Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rolling Out Pie Crusts

For today's Works for me Wednesday I wanted to share the easiest way to roll out pie crusts. I use a warm damp cloth and wipe down the counter. Then I cover it with plastic wrap (usually two pieces to completely cover the width and just long enough to accommodate a rolled out pie crust). The dampness holds the plastic wrap to the counter. Next I sprinkle it with flour, slightly flatten the ball of dough, sprinkle it with a bit of flour then cover with plastic wrap the same size as the bottom. Now the dough can be rolled out easily between the sheets. Once it is rolled out the dough will stick on the top sheet when you lift it off so you can lay the dough right in the pan and just peel away the plastic wrap. So easy and the best part is that you just gather up the plastic wrap off the counter and toss it away- no mess. You won't have to wipe down the counter or even wash the rolling pin!

For more ideas visit Rocks in my Dryer.



Anonymous said...

Great Hint! I can't wait to try it.


Tara said...

Great idea. Nothing worse in having to scrape dough and flour off the counter!!!!!!! I love your music choice :)

The Apron Queen said...

Homemade pies?! Can I stop by for dessert?!

I'm giving surfing lessons today. Come see! :D


Short Stop said...

What a great idea. I love making pies, and had never heard to do this. LOVE this idea. Thanks for sharing!

Liisa said...

Sorry it took me so long to get to these posted....yesterday just got away from me!

I really appreciate you taking time to visit and leave a comment.

Thanks Dene!

Tara - I used to hate cleaning the counter after making pies! Thank you - this is one of my favorite songs and I just love his voice!

The apron queen....stop by anytime! ~smile~

Short Stop - I am so glad you found this helpful, it has really saved me alot of time and effort!
