Monday, April 7, 2008

An Old Letter- Part Two

When I really looked at the letter I found yesterday I realized that it was actually two separate letters folded together. Here is the first one.....

(note - We have since discovered that Louise was Milton's sister)

March 21, 1945

Dear Louise,

I hope you are feeling better by now Louise. I am sure it was a great shock to you as it was to us. We now feel we do not have to worry about him suffering any longer as we are sure he is in good hands.

Ruth had a letter yesterday that he wrote from a slit trench in Germany on March 5th and he had received a box from Ruth and one from me and letters from Ruth, from you and I. So it was nice to know he knew we were thinking about him and praying for him. He said in the letter he prayed a lot and so far his prayers had been answered and his best friend was God. When the minister read his letter he said there is no doubt where he is going and we did not have to worry.

Dad is feeling a little better but is still in bed of course and Grandma is also still in bed. We have not told her about Milton yet. She is pretty weak but some better today. Mother and Ruth were both heart broken but are really very sensible now and feeling some better. I am enclosing the clipping from the paper and they are going to print a picture and I'll send it along to you. I also sent a copy of the report for the _______________ paper.

I'll write to you again soon Louise but wanted to let you know we are thinking about you also.

He is better off Louise as he has gone through his "hell" on earth.

Remember me to all.


I am not sure who Marion is, but I believe she also wrote the next letter, which I will share in the next post.

The picture above is the Infantrymen of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment and a Sherman tank of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division awaiting orders to go through a roadblock, Wertle, Germany, 11 April 1945. This was about a month after Milton's death.

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