Saturday, December 1, 2007

Feeling Festive

This morning I am off to help decorate the church for Christmas and then my hubby and I are going to a nearby town to do some shopping. I hope to pick up a couple for things for Christmas. To spite the fact that I have been trying to shop all year I still have quite a few things to get. Maybe next year I will have it all together! I do love the holidays though and don't mind shopping in December so it is o.k.

I changed my music here to reflect my festive feelings. I hope you enjoy it. I just love Bing Crosby! My son says that is because I am frumpy....maybe he is right! ~smile~

Do you ever have the feeling you should have been born in another era? I do all the time. I know God has placed me here at this time for a reason and that everything happens in his perfect timing. Don't get me wrong I love my life but feel a longing for the way things used to be. I think I would have fit well in the 40's-50's. Then perhaps I would have been in style and not frumpy! ~wink~

Happy December 1st!




Priscilla said...

I hope you enjoyed your time at the church, I also went to the church this morning to help set up for the christmas fair tomorrow. I decorated the cake for the 'guess the weight'. It was a first for me and a great morning...... I also feel sometimes that I should of been born in a time past, when things were slower, simpler and everyone appreciated the little things in life and each other....

Wishing you festive feelings!
I do enjoy christmas.....

Priscilla x

Liisa said...

I'm happy I'm not the only one who longs for things of the past.
I'm also glad to hear you had a great morning. Cake decorating is something I would love to learn.
