Friday, August 1, 2008

Fluffy Churches

There seems to be a rise in the number of fluffy churches. Churches without substance where the Word of God is spoken but only choice feel good portions. Sermons are upbeat and funny never convicting or preaching about what one should do and never certainly what one should not do, just the promises of blessing. Why is this? Some say it's because we are trying to reach the unsaved. Has anyone else noticed that church numbers are dwindling? Years ago many were saved and lives were changed by solid Biblical preaching that pulled no punches. If a person is never told that they need to make changes in their lives in order to grow closer to God and live a life that is pleasing to Him how are they supposed to know? God gave us His Word and it says in 2 Tim. 3:16 that All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
This means that all of it is from God for us so that we may learn and be corrected so we can live lives that are pleasing to our Father.

There are many in church every Sunday that have no idea what the Bible says. Many churches have entire sermons where the Bible is never even opened. "Bible" studies are often really book studies that focus on the teachings of man rather than on the teachings of God. Then they wonder why the world looks upon Christians as hypocrites and it's because their lives look exactly like those in the world except that they go to a building on Sunday mornings. Some lie, steal, cheat, gamble, drink, smoke, gossip, run others down and swear. In many cases pagans and atheists are more loving towards others than professing Christians. So do the feel good, fluffy churches where they are so worried about offending others really save anyone?

I personally know of two churches where the board has stepped in and told the pastors to stop preaching what the Bible has to say. In one case it was an incredible series on end times with alot of scripture and teaching on Revelation. It was amazing and such a time of learning. The board decided they needed to step in and told the pastor to lighten it up that he was being too serious for too long! Can you imagine? I hope he continues at some point with what he feels God is calling him to preach rather than what man is telling him to. In the other case the board told a pastor that he could not preach the entire Bible as truth. That pastor quit. Good for him.

What is going on where even the churches don't want to hear what God has to tell us? Where boards of people that have not been called to preach or have any Biblical training are dictating what spiritual food the congregations should be receiving? It is sickening. I pray for those in these fluffy churches that they will come to know the truth that God is love, love, love but He is also holy,holy,holy.


1 comment:

Traci @ The Bakery said...

Joel Osteen is one of those first I thought he was great....then it seemed like a never ending motivational speaker....ick.

My own church has the short attention span thing going in some Sunday school classrooms...adults will get bored and be ready to move on if it get too deep. I've jumped from class to class and have finally found one that likes to get deep...we are now working on taking action with what we've learned. What spawned your post? I'm just curious.....