Friday, August 15, 2008

Freezer Troubles

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I went downstairs to put on some laundry and as I walked by our stand up freezer I decided to pull the handle - I have no idea why because I didn't need anything but anyway when I did it came right open! I was on the phone with my sister at the time and all I could say was Oh my goodness! over and over when I opened the door.

We had just purchased a quarter of beef - close to 200 lbs. worth and it was almost all partially defrosted! I sorted through it and had to throw out a few things that were in the door and completely thawed (I didn't want to take any chances) but we were able to save everything else - Praise the Lord! I have no idea why I would pull the door but I am so very glad I did. I know the Lord must have been behind it!

So I spent all day yesterday cooking beef. I cooked three roasts - two in the crock pot and one in my mother in law's oven (she lives in a granny flat in our house) 60+ meatballs, 2 meat loaves, endless pounds of ground beef I just browned for sauces, chili's etc. steak strips for wraps and fajitas, beef cubes for stew and two giant batches of Korean Beef. I was also blessed because it is summer and my son was home to BBQ the steaks and burgers.

So it was a long day but in the end a blessing because we were able to share some meat with another family who needed some, I was home and noticed before everything was lost, my son was able to help by barbecuing and I now have all kinds of food I can just pull out of the freezer for quick meals.

God is good!



Traci @ The Bakery said...

Oh my goodness....thank God you were able to save it. I'm going to go check mine as I leave this a.m.
I made THREE roasts yesterday as well....too funny. I have to make dinner for two families in our for happy occasion, baby...and the other for sad occasion....cancer treatments. I'm taking a cake for a funeral dinner this a.m. and helping to set up. A very busy day for me. Plus, it is RAINING....gag. You will be glad you did what you did when you are pulling out those already cooked meats from the freezer.....

*carrie* said...

Oh my, Liisa! Crystal from Biblical Womanhood just had a similar situation--they lost (I think) half a cow in their deep freezer while on vacation. Yikes!

Liisa said...

Wow! Traci that certainly is a busy day, it is so nice that you are willing do these things for others.
It will be a blessing to be able to just pull out cooked foods especially as we head into a busy busy September!

Carrie - I read that too! How ironic to read that and then discover our troubles! However we were very fortunate to have not lost much!
