Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So What Can I Do?

I was thinking about my last post and wondering what can I do? How can I help those who are lost, confused or trapped in spiritual infancy?

First I need to take a look at myself. Am I striving towards spiritual maturity? Does my life reflect my faith? Do I have a close personal relationship with my Father? Do I spend spend time each day in prayer and studying His Word? Do I regularly meet with others for worship, edification and fellowship? Only once I have examined my own life honestly can I even begin to help others.

So how can I help others?

I can help foremost by living my life in a way that is an example to others. What does that really look like? Displaying the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I need to love others and act like I do, so if I love someone I will not want to hurt them by gossip, slander or any thing else. Joy - being joyful and letting it show. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Peace, such a hard thing to come by sometimes but with God in my life I will have the peace that can only come from Him. Longsuffering which also means patience. Patience with children, in traffic, in line, waiting rooms etc. Being kind, good and gentle - when I interact with others am I harsh, loud, crude, rude, mean, nasty? Live my faith. Be the same person on Wednesday as I am at church on Sunday. Self control...this is hard to admit but I struggle with this one. I have always been ruled by my emotions and I struggle to control that. I also struggle with self control where food is concerned especially sweets and chocolate. I know that for health reasons I REALLY should not have it but I can't seem to help myself. I need to exercise self control.
When I live my life in this way it will bring more happiness into my home and my life and I hope that others will want what I have - which is a relationship with my Lord and Saviour.

Know what I believe, why I believe it and how to share it!
(If you do not know go to your pastor or another more mature Christian you can trust and ask. Read and study your Bible. Check to see if what you are being told is true.)

Start a ladies Bible study, perhaps in my home and study the Bible. Not books, study the Word of God not the words of man. Books on the Christian life etc. can be wonderful but there is nothing better or more important than the Bible and so many have never read it but read tons of books by Christian authors.

These are just a few thoughts and ideas - I am sure you can come up with many more - please share them with me if you do!


1 comment:

Traci @ The Bakery said...

Oh my goodness....you will NOT believe what Bible verse we discussed at my last Bible study! Read 1 Corin. 10:13....then tell me what you got out of it.
My Bible study started 6 years ago and we started w/ Gen. 1:1. We are now on 2nd Chronicles....slow but steady. We refuse to use curriculum....and I believe that is why it has been a successs. When a person misses a chapter of a regular book, they feel like they missed the ENTIRE book and often decide not to come back.
The Bible is like a soap opera, you can always get caught up because it repeats so often...until we finally get it through our thick heads...lol.
I can start telling you what we are doing in our Bible study and you can read along with us and we can discuss if you would like. Tell me what you think about that Bible verse I told you to read. email me at bako1964@aol.com Have a blessed day!!!