Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bible Lessons

I have noticed just recently how little some really know about what the Bible says or about the beliefs of the denomination they are attending - even those who go to church on a regular basis. It is sad really. How does this happen? I am an information junky. I love to read and explore so perhaps that is why I find this a bit shocking. It is also dangerous because if you do not know what the Bible says and do not check it to see if what someone is telling you is true or not you can so easily be led astray. I have talked with several people that just do not seem to know very much at all about what the Bible actually says and met many that just seem confused.

Has the church failed them? Are they so caught up in other things that they forgot to instruct the congregation in the teachings of God? Yes we need to reach out to the community and we need to try and save others but we also need to be sure that once they get to church they are being taught and instructed in the ways of our Father.

You know the Jehovah's Witnesses have one thing right they teach their congregation. Every single person in those halls, including the children knows what they believe, why they believe it, how to defend their faith and share it with others. The same can't be said for so many churches out there today. I think that is why so many fall prey to false teachings or just fall away altogether. Now don't get me wrong there are many fantastic churches out there but there seems to be such a sad lack of them. So many get caught up in fads, the ways of the world, going along with what feels right instead of what is right.

I have recently been exploring a study guide for the Heidelberg Catechism. This is unfamiliar to me since it is not a part of the churches I have attended but there are several reformed churches in our area so I thought I would give it a read when I found it in a second hand store. One thing stood out for me and that is in the introduction where it says....

" A catechism in our Christian Religion" is the name given to a brief and simple orally given summary of the main parts of Christian doctrine in which the youth and beginners are examined and heard on what they have learned.

Just from the bit have read so far I can see how learning this catechism would give youth and beginners a foundation of knowledge. They would know what they believe and why they believe it. Learning these things right off is an excellent basis for a strong life of faith.

It's my prayer that more and more people will be given the opportunity to learn and that they will have a strong belief and understanding of what the Bible really has to say.


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