Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Well Dressed

I would like to encourage other ladies to dress well and take pride in their appearance. You do not have to spend alot of time or money to dress appropriately. I shop second hand for almost all of my clothing. It doesn't cost more to buy a pair of nice jeans or a skirt than it does to buy flannel pajama pants. You can be casual and comfortable and still care about your appearance. The other night my hubby and I were walking out of a department store when we were passed by a lady wearing flannel pajama pants and a ripped up dirty old shirt with messy uncombed hair. This is sadly becoming more and more common. My hubby asked me if everyone has just given up. It would seem that alot of people have.

This is a sad state of affairs! Not so long ago women all dressed up to go out of the house. They wore pretty dresses, nice shoes and hand bags and even gloves and a hat. My Nanny is from that generation and she always dresses well. She makes sure every morning that her hair is nicely styled and her make up is on. She wears jeans alot of the time but somehow on her they manage to look dressed up with a cute blouse or sweater. She cares a great deal about her appearance and the impression she gives others. She would not be caught dead out in public in a ratty outfit. She is on a fixed income and is always so lovely. It is possible for everyone.

Modesty is also such an important factor in how we dress. Buy a full length mirror and check your outfits before you step out in public. Bend over, crouch down, check from every angle. Ask yourself if you are revealing too much. If you are unsure ask your husband or a trusted female friend for their opinion. I would also like to add here something that may be a bit delicate. Please wear appropriate undergarments. I have run across far to many women that fail to wear the necessary items and it can be quite embarrassing for those they come in contact with, not to mention completely inappropriate.

It truly does not cost any more to dress well. For example, at the second hand stores in our area you can buy a skirt for $3, a pair of jeans for $4, a sweater for $3 a T-shirt for $2. Shoes can be had for $2 and purses for $1. One outfit with a skirt, sweater, shoes and a purse can be had for $9. If you need them as well undergarments of all types are .25 to $1. So for less than the cost of one pair of pajama pants at the department store you can have an entire outfit including shoes, purse and undergarments.

It is also important to dress well for your hubby and take his preferences into account. After all he is the one you want to look good for! ~smile~

You will not only look better but feel better about yourself too when you know that you are well dressed and have taken the time to ensure you are well groomed. Such self confidence can be gained just by taking this small step.


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