Sunday, August 31, 2008

An Award!

Thank you to Traci of Living the Good Life for awarding me the Smile Award. Traci is a wonderful lady who always makes me laugh - she and I have so much in common and she has been a blessing to me.

The Smile award was created by and now I get to pass this award on to 5 people.

Here are the rules.....
You've Been Awarded...
THE SMILE AWARD's rules are:

1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator (
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver. (s)

Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from other.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.

I give this award to .....

Carrie at With All That I've Been Given. Carrie has such an encouraging blog and is a wonderful example to others.

Monica at The Homespun Heart.
I have learned so much from Monica and am always encouraged to be a better person when I visit there.

Melissa at A Little Loveliness Lovely certainly descibes this blog which inspires me everytime I visit.

Cat at The Vintage Housewife her blog always makes me smile! She's truly a vintage housewife.

Sheri at Purely His. She is a beautiful lady with a heart for the Lord and her blog is an encourgement to me.

So there you have it!

Thanks again Traci!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Anniversary

Today my hubby and I celebrate 16 wonderful years of marriage! We started dating when I was 15 and he was 17 - 21 years ago - Yikes! Now you all know how old I am! Things have only beeen getting better every year and I am so thankful for the wonderful man that he is. He is loving, caring, strong and supportive. He is my best friend and the love of my life. I could not imagine my life without him and when I think of how long we will be together forever just doesn't seem long enough.

Happy Anniversary Mark!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Created To Be His Help Meet

I am currently rereading Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. I read it when it first came out and was really blessed by it but I think I am getting even more out of reading it again! The first time I was so excited I read through it very quickly, this time I am taking it a bit slower and really taking in what it says.

If you have not yet read this book I would highly recommend it and if you have read it dust off your copy and read it again. I am already benefiting from it - my hubby is too. ~smile~


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

1950's Recipe - Curry Onions

This recipe appeared in Woman's Day November 1954

Curry Onions
Peel 1 1/2 lbs. yellow onions, cook in boiling salted water until tender; drain.
Add 2 tbsp. margarine, 1/4 tsp. curry powder, salt and pepper to taste.

I think this would be good served with pork chops or chicken.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Computer Troubles

Our computer is having some major issues and is going away to be fixed and upgraded. Since it is going to a friend my hubby has at work who is very busy it may be quite a while before we get it back.

I have prepared some posts which are scheduled to be published (what a nice option!) and I will try and get to the library as I am able to check comments etc. so if I don't respond right away that is why. I am really going to miss checking blogs daily (I may be addicted!) but I will be getting alot more done around here - so it is a good thing.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Titus Women

Last night we had another Titus Women meeting. It was so much fun. A very gifted lady in our congregation taught us all flower arranging (I think I need several dozen more lessons though ~smile~)

She made four different arrangements and they were all so beautiful but by far the star of the evening was the arrangement she did out of weeds. Yep, weeds and it was spectacular. When she was done it was something you would pay for then she had a few artificial sunflowers and my goodness it was incredible! Out of weeds! Beautiful and free it doesn't get much better than that does it?

As usual we opened in prayer then I shared a devotional about the message of flowers, then Pat did her part and then coached us through making our own arrangements to take home. Afterward we enjoyed coffee, tea, ice cream and some cupcakes I whipped up in the afternoon. What a wonderful evening!

I took many pictures, here are just a few....


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hello? McFly?

McFly is a term my sister and I use to describe those times when it's like God gives you a smack in the head. It comes from the movie Back to the Future where Biff is always smacking Marty's Dad on the head and saying Hello? McFly?

I got a huge McFly today. I have been wanting a book called The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund which combines the three books Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman, Disciplines of the Heart and Disciplines of the Home. I haven't read any of them but recently heard an interview with Anne Ortlund which referenced them. Well I went from wanting this book to convincing myself that I needed it. So because I now needed this book I called all over and searched all over on line for it. This morning I actually found it on Amazon so unbelievably I justify the purchase of it to spite rather high shipping costs (international) because God must want me to have that book. I know! Completely outrageous.

O.k. so now I order the book but feel that nagging feeling - you know the one where you know you have just done something wrong. It gets even worse. I go to my email and there is the confirmation email for the purchase. I moved to the file where I keep devotionals I want to keep and emails I need etc. But even as I did I knew that I was doing it so my hubby wouldn't see it. AACK! I felt awful already. I mean what on earth was I doing - I do not do things like that!

Then I open my devotional today from Girlfriends in God. This is what was waiting for me. What a huge McFly. I could not even believe what I was reading. I immediately confessed and asked for forgiveness and felt like God was telling me to cancel my order....incredibly I argued and said what if they are angry....I had are you pleasing God or pleasing men pop into my head. I argued but what if there are penalties for cancelling and then thought I would have wasted more on the book anyway.Finally it was like God said OBEY. I did. I cancelled my order and they were very nice and there were no penalties. Right after I did that I felt such a relief like a weight was lifted off me.

I am quite ashamed of myself but I wanted to share this anyway so that others may be able to learn from my mistake and perhaps some may acknowledge their McFlys.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

So What Can I Do?

I was thinking about my last post and wondering what can I do? How can I help those who are lost, confused or trapped in spiritual infancy?

First I need to take a look at myself. Am I striving towards spiritual maturity? Does my life reflect my faith? Do I have a close personal relationship with my Father? Do I spend spend time each day in prayer and studying His Word? Do I regularly meet with others for worship, edification and fellowship? Only once I have examined my own life honestly can I even begin to help others.

So how can I help others?

I can help foremost by living my life in a way that is an example to others. What does that really look like? Displaying the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I need to love others and act like I do, so if I love someone I will not want to hurt them by gossip, slander or any thing else. Joy - being joyful and letting it show. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Peace, such a hard thing to come by sometimes but with God in my life I will have the peace that can only come from Him. Longsuffering which also means patience. Patience with children, in traffic, in line, waiting rooms etc. Being kind, good and gentle - when I interact with others am I harsh, loud, crude, rude, mean, nasty? Live my faith. Be the same person on Wednesday as I am at church on Sunday. Self control...this is hard to admit but I struggle with this one. I have always been ruled by my emotions and I struggle to control that. I also struggle with self control where food is concerned especially sweets and chocolate. I know that for health reasons I REALLY should not have it but I can't seem to help myself. I need to exercise self control.
When I live my life in this way it will bring more happiness into my home and my life and I hope that others will want what I have - which is a relationship with my Lord and Saviour.

Know what I believe, why I believe it and how to share it!
(If you do not know go to your pastor or another more mature Christian you can trust and ask. Read and study your Bible. Check to see if what you are being told is true.)

Start a ladies Bible study, perhaps in my home and study the Bible. Not books, study the Word of God not the words of man. Books on the Christian life etc. can be wonderful but there is nothing better or more important than the Bible and so many have never read it but read tons of books by Christian authors.

These are just a few thoughts and ideas - I am sure you can come up with many more - please share them with me if you do!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Great Sermon

When I posted the other day about Bible Lessons I had no idea what the sermon I heard today was going to be about!

It was based on Hebrews 5:11-6:20 which calls for us to grow up in our faith and addresses the whole church. Here are a few bits from this awesome sermon....

Some Christians are content to be spiritual infants.

There are four signs of being a spiritual infant.
1) Sluggish with regard to hearing. By actions we need to show we are hearing.
2) We need to be teachers not just listeners. That is the second phase of learning - learning through teaching. People should be taught by the example of our lives. We should be able to speak about our faith, share it and defend it.
3) Unskillful in word of righteousness and discipleship. Uncommitted to being a disciple.
4) Lack of discerning power. Difficulty discerning good from evil, right from wrong.

We need to move forward and become mature or fall back and leave the faith.

Elementary teachings mentioned in this passage are -
Repentance, Faith in God, Instruction in baptism, Laying on of hands, Resurrection of the dead and Judgement. Mature Christians should not need instruction in these things.

Sadly some stay in the basic teachings.

We need to strive for maturity if not it is backsliding. Like a canoe being paddled in a current either you strive to move forward or you go backwards.

Some feel that they can pick and choose which scriptures to follow and which don't apply. They think it is o.k. to treat the Word of God cheaply.

Romans 8:38,39 and John 10:27-30 give us assurance of our salvation.

We should never take our salvation for granted. Some feel they can do whatever they like and not try and dig out sin from their lives because they are saved. However if someone keeps following sin and not changing they are thumbing their nose at God.

Moving Forward -
Heb. 6:10 - Think of God and our first love.
Heb. 6:11,12 - Persevere to the end, don't be lazy.
Heb. 6:13-20- Look for promise and hope from God, be patient and be faithful. Rest in the knowledge of God and His knowledge of us.
Heb. 6:19,20- Stand on the Rock of Christ.

Now these are just some of the notes I took this morning so I hope they make some sense! ~smile~ It was a wonderful sermon and I just wanted to share a bit of it with you.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Freezer Troubles

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I went downstairs to put on some laundry and as I walked by our stand up freezer I decided to pull the handle - I have no idea why because I didn't need anything but anyway when I did it came right open! I was on the phone with my sister at the time and all I could say was Oh my goodness! over and over when I opened the door.

We had just purchased a quarter of beef - close to 200 lbs. worth and it was almost all partially defrosted! I sorted through it and had to throw out a few things that were in the door and completely thawed (I didn't want to take any chances) but we were able to save everything else - Praise the Lord! I have no idea why I would pull the door but I am so very glad I did. I know the Lord must have been behind it!

So I spent all day yesterday cooking beef. I cooked three roasts - two in the crock pot and one in my mother in law's oven (she lives in a granny flat in our house) 60+ meatballs, 2 meat loaves, endless pounds of ground beef I just browned for sauces, chili's etc. steak strips for wraps and fajitas, beef cubes for stew and two giant batches of Korean Beef. I was also blessed because it is summer and my son was home to BBQ the steaks and burgers.

So it was a long day but in the end a blessing because we were able to share some meat with another family who needed some, I was home and noticed before everything was lost, my son was able to help by barbecuing and I now have all kinds of food I can just pull out of the freezer for quick meals.

God is good!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bible Lessons

I have noticed just recently how little some really know about what the Bible says or about the beliefs of the denomination they are attending - even those who go to church on a regular basis. It is sad really. How does this happen? I am an information junky. I love to read and explore so perhaps that is why I find this a bit shocking. It is also dangerous because if you do not know what the Bible says and do not check it to see if what someone is telling you is true or not you can so easily be led astray. I have talked with several people that just do not seem to know very much at all about what the Bible actually says and met many that just seem confused.

Has the church failed them? Are they so caught up in other things that they forgot to instruct the congregation in the teachings of God? Yes we need to reach out to the community and we need to try and save others but we also need to be sure that once they get to church they are being taught and instructed in the ways of our Father.

You know the Jehovah's Witnesses have one thing right they teach their congregation. Every single person in those halls, including the children knows what they believe, why they believe it, how to defend their faith and share it with others. The same can't be said for so many churches out there today. I think that is why so many fall prey to false teachings or just fall away altogether. Now don't get me wrong there are many fantastic churches out there but there seems to be such a sad lack of them. So many get caught up in fads, the ways of the world, going along with what feels right instead of what is right.

I have recently been exploring a study guide for the Heidelberg Catechism. This is unfamiliar to me since it is not a part of the churches I have attended but there are several reformed churches in our area so I thought I would give it a read when I found it in a second hand store. One thing stood out for me and that is in the introduction where it says....

" A catechism in our Christian Religion" is the name given to a brief and simple orally given summary of the main parts of Christian doctrine in which the youth and beginners are examined and heard on what they have learned.

Just from the bit have read so far I can see how learning this catechism would give youth and beginners a foundation of knowledge. They would know what they believe and why they believe it. Learning these things right off is an excellent basis for a strong life of faith.

It's my prayer that more and more people will be given the opportunity to learn and that they will have a strong belief and understanding of what the Bible really has to say.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1950's Recipe - Smothered Beef and Sausage Patties

Smothered Beef and Sausage Patties

1/2 lb. hamburger
1/2 lb. sausage meat
1 1/2 cups soft bread crumbs
1/2 tsp. poultry seasoning
Half 10 1/2 oz. can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup water
2 tbsp. flour

Mix meats and seasoning.
Shape into 8 patties.
Brown on both sides in skillet.
Drain off fat.
Blend soup, water and flour; pour around patties; cook until thickened.

4 servings.

I think this would be yummy served with rice or mashed potatoes or egg noodles.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I was by Living the Good Life - Traci's blog, this morning and was really inspired by this post. It is short and to the point and really reflects what I have been thinking about today.

I have been awfully negative about everything lately. There is a bit of upheaval happening in my life right now with regards to church and that negativity is coloring everything else in my life. I am sure my sister is so tired of talking to me because just about everything I say has a negative tone.

I came across this scripture today Proverbs 21:23 "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." That is so true.

I know that I am being negative and that I just need to stop it but then out pops more. Which reminds me of the scripture found in Matthew 15:18-20 "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man... "

The negativity in my speech is coming from my heart and I need to spend time in prayer asking God's forgiveness and help to move past these feelings. I also need to keep control over my mouth and my tongue.

I often think about Proverbs 31 and the virtues describe there and one is coming to mind today and that is verse 26 "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness." I pray that that will be true of me.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Bats and Rabies Shots

My son is off for his second rabies shot this afternoon. On Friday he went for the first batch - he got seven of them! Two in each hip, one in each thigh and one in his upper arm. From now on he just has to get the one in the arm. But that is one in the arm once a week until September 5. Yikes! Poor guy!

This all started because he slept over at a friend's place last Sunday. Apparently there was a bat in the house but they couldn't find it until Tuesday when the cat killed it. The Mom called the health unit worried about the cat getting rabies even though it had it's shots. When she called she was told that everyone who had slept in the house when the bat was there needed rabies shots. Now when she called me I thought she was insane! My son never even saw the bat. Well then the health unit called me and told me that bats can bite you in your sleep and you won't feel it and because they have such tiny razor sharp teeth it will not even leave a visible mark. I was still thinking this was nuts and when Andy was required to get his Hepatitis shot he had a bad reaction so I was quite worried about getting more shots especially if he didn't really need it. I called our doctor and she told me that he absolutely had to get the shots as it is true you can be bitten by a bat in your sleep and not know it. She said there is no reaction to the rabies shots but if he didn't get them and he was bitten he would die....SO he got them.

How awful! Who would have believed that this would happen? I am just so grateful that we have good health care in Canada and we do not have to pay for the shots and also that they are not like the used to be and not in the stomach as I had feared.

So the moral of the story is if you have a bat in your house over night or you find one in your house in the morning you will be needing rabies shots!

Hoping this never happens to you!


By the way fall is the best time to block up holes where bats get in. For a bit more info. I found this article helpful since we have an attic full of bats that that will be getting locked out this fall!

Friday, August 8, 2008

What Generation Do You Belong In?

You Belong in the Silent Generation

You fit in best with people born between 1925 and 1942.

You are a person of high values and character.

Family, your country, loyalty, and hard work all important to you.

You are willing to do what's right, even when it's difficult.

Hmmm...I knew I had a hard time blending in with others my age sometimes! ~smile~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

What's Been Going On in My Home

July was an absolutely crazy month for me with holidays, work uncertainties, little monkeys schedules changing, and two big events at church. So now that that is all behind me and we are into August I am slowly getting back into routine, however there will be a few days this month where I am trying to get a new little one used to being here and two coming back part time who will need to readjust to our rules and schedule, but it shouldn't be too bad.

This month I mostly just have two little girls - sisters - and they do not arrive until 9 a.m. so that gives me alot of time first thing in the morning to get things done. I get up at 5:30 and then see my hubby off for the day at about 6 so that leaves me three free hours. First I put the coffee on and do the email Bible study and get it sent out to everyone, then I do my blog. Next I start the house work. For the bigger jobs on Monday's I strip and remake the beds and do the laundry, Tuesdays I deep clean the bathroom, Wednesday I do more laundry, Thursday I wash the floors, Friday I do more laundry. Everyday I sweep the porch and walk way (in the winter I shovel it)before the kids arrive, I also vacuum, sweep, clean the kitchen , dust and generally tidy and do whatever jobs need to be done.

I really like getting the kid's lunches made before we go for our walk at 10, that way when we get back from the walk I just have to heat up lunch and they are ready to eat and head for nap time. It also helps to get as much done for dinner before 10 as possible because after nap things are busy with changes, craft time, music time etc. etc. so it is a lot less stressful to get as much done ahead as I can since my family likes to eat as soon as the little ones go home at 5. For example the other day I made the spaghetti sauce in the morning then all I had to do for dinner was to heat it up and make the noodles. This morning I have a chicken in the oven which will be done about noon or so this means I can carve it and have it on a platter to heat up at supper time. All the mess will be cleaned up and gone and I will peel and cut the potatoes this afternoon during nap time as well as cut up the cauliflower and have that already so I just have to turn it on at 4 then dinner is easily ready by 5.

This plan usually enables me to have free time in the afternoon during nap time and to have my evenings free to spend with my family after the dishes are done and my hubby's lunch is made for the next day.

The little ones and I have been enjoying 2 playgroups each week. One is the Jigga Jump playgroup which is just a summer program and takes place in a nearby park and is such fun for them. They have free play with a great assortment of toys, do a craft and then exercise along with the Jigga Jump CD and the playgroup leader. Then on Wednesday's we go to the town hall playgroup and they play with toys there too and enjoy craft as well as a circle time with songs, games and a story. They just love playgroup and I do too as I can visit with other providers and moms.

I have also been spending alot of time exploring our area on the weekends. This past weekend my hubby took me to a town north of here where he goes to help at the fish ladder in the spring. It is such a lovely little town on the lake and I had never been there before. My hubby showed me the fish ladder and explained what he does there and then we went for a walk on the beach and stuck our feet in the water before we had the most wonderful pizza from a little general store there. Such a nice day! My sister and I have also been all over the country side. Sometimes it is just nice to drive the back roads and explore.

Anyway, I just thought I would share what's been happening here. What sort of routine do you have and what's been happening in your home? I would love to hear about it!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Timothy's Haircut

Poor Timothy had to go and get a haircut because for some reason his fur all matted up. It has never done that before but it was just awful and no matter how much we brushed him it just kept getting worse so my poor little boy had to go to the groomer.



He's embarrassed - poor guy. Well, it will grow back, meanwhile it must be so much cooler for him.


1950's Recipe - Beef and Mushroom Roll

I am a day late with the 1950's Recipe but I guess I was thrown off by Monday being a holiday, anyway here it is....

This recipe was taken from Woman's Day October 1954.

Beef and Mushroom Roll

1 lb. ground beef
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 oz. can mushroom pieces with liquid
1 small onion minced
1/4 cup chopped sweet pickle
2 sprigs parsley, chopped
1/4 tsp. dry mustard
2 tbsp. flour
Biscuit dough
10 3/4 oz. can beef gravy

- Cook beef, stirring with a fork, until it loses it's red color.
- Add all ingredients, except last three.
- Simmer 10 minutes
- Pour off most of the fat.
- Blend in flour, add 1/3 cup water and cook until thickened, stirring constantly.
- Cool. roll dough in 12 x 9 inch rectangle.
- Spread mixture on dough to within 1/2 inch of edges.
- Moisten edges with water, roll like a jelly roll and pinch edges together.
- Put roll in greased shallow pan and brush with milk.
- Bake in hot oven 425 degrees about 30 minutes.
- Cut in slices and serve with heated gravy.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Old Landmark

I wanna see a big revival in the old time way
I wanna see a big revival in the old time way
I wanna see a big revival in the old time way

Sinner turning, Convert yearning
Christian learning, Fire burning

He will hear us and be near us
It will warn them, it will turn them....

(Press pause on music player before playing video.)

Let it be so Lord.


Monday, August 4, 2008

Cost vs. Quality

I have learned a valuable lesson these week and that is that sometimes it is better to spend more and get quality because in the long run it will save you more money.

This is the case with bargain laundry soap. I have been using bargain laundry soap for quite a while because the name brand kind is so expensive but I noticed that our clothes were not as clean as I would have liked, stains were an issue and items just had to be thrown away sooner. So in the long run the bargain soap cost me alot more money because our clothes etc. did not last as long. I also had to use a full cup of bargain soap to get any kind of result. I have switched back to Gain and the difference is amazing! I wish I had switched sooner. Our clothes and linens smell wonderful and are fresh and CLEAN. I also went back to Bounce rather than bargain sheets and our things smell so nice and are soft and static free. Definitely worth the money!

Another thing I have changed is that I was buying big packs of less expensive bath soap and I have switched back to Lever 2000 and it saves money in the long run because the bars last so much longer. The less expensive bars disappear or break in half so quickly that you go through a big pack in no time. They also leave residue in the tub that takes more time and effort to clean. So the bargain really is not such a bargain after all and an added bonus is that the more expensive soap smells so nice ~smile~.

Just a few thoughts that I am sure many of you have already discovered but have helped me this week.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Fluffy Churches

There seems to be a rise in the number of fluffy churches. Churches without substance where the Word of God is spoken but only choice feel good portions. Sermons are upbeat and funny never convicting or preaching about what one should do and never certainly what one should not do, just the promises of blessing. Why is this? Some say it's because we are trying to reach the unsaved. Has anyone else noticed that church numbers are dwindling? Years ago many were saved and lives were changed by solid Biblical preaching that pulled no punches. If a person is never told that they need to make changes in their lives in order to grow closer to God and live a life that is pleasing to Him how are they supposed to know? God gave us His Word and it says in 2 Tim. 3:16 that All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
This means that all of it is from God for us so that we may learn and be corrected so we can live lives that are pleasing to our Father.

There are many in church every Sunday that have no idea what the Bible says. Many churches have entire sermons where the Bible is never even opened. "Bible" studies are often really book studies that focus on the teachings of man rather than on the teachings of God. Then they wonder why the world looks upon Christians as hypocrites and it's because their lives look exactly like those in the world except that they go to a building on Sunday mornings. Some lie, steal, cheat, gamble, drink, smoke, gossip, run others down and swear. In many cases pagans and atheists are more loving towards others than professing Christians. So do the feel good, fluffy churches where they are so worried about offending others really save anyone?

I personally know of two churches where the board has stepped in and told the pastors to stop preaching what the Bible has to say. In one case it was an incredible series on end times with alot of scripture and teaching on Revelation. It was amazing and such a time of learning. The board decided they needed to step in and told the pastor to lighten it up that he was being too serious for too long! Can you imagine? I hope he continues at some point with what he feels God is calling him to preach rather than what man is telling him to. In the other case the board told a pastor that he could not preach the entire Bible as truth. That pastor quit. Good for him.

What is going on where even the churches don't want to hear what God has to tell us? Where boards of people that have not been called to preach or have any Biblical training are dictating what spiritual food the congregations should be receiving? It is sickening. I pray for those in these fluffy churches that they will come to know the truth that God is love, love, love but He is also holy,holy,holy.
