Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Today's Craft for the Littles

Today we are making dinosaur hands. I made these like mittens for the monkeys to wear on their hands. These could have been much more elaborate but I was a bit rushed and basically just wanted something they could draw on. I taped the edges rather than glued them because I figured that would stand up better to the little ones taking them on and off. I may make some sets out of felt to have whenever we act out this song.

This morning I will let them draw and color on the hands. When they are finished we will sing this little song and act it out. ( I found this song at Preschool Rainbow)

I'm a Mean Old Dinosaur (Tune: I'm a little Tea Pot)

I'm a mean old Dinosaur
(Make a mean face, the kids make the cutest mean faces)
Big and Tall
(Gesture hands big and tall )
Here is my tail, here is my claw.
(Gesture hands behind your back for tail and make claw hands)
When I get all hungry
(rub your tummy)
I just growl
(have the kids exaggerate the grrroooowwwlll)
Look out kids I'm on the prowl.
(Here I tickle each one of the tummy and they all giggle)

I wrote this song on one of the hands of each set so that they can do this at home with Mommy and Daddy too.


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