Monday, January 5, 2009

Today's Craft for the Littles

Today we made tambourines. The little ones really enjoyed this. I was blessed with a set of Tadoodles by Crayola this morning from one of the parents. It was a duplicate gift so they thought they would send one over here. I thought that was so nice and the children really loved using them. They are so neat and easy for even the littlest one to use. Fortunately they are completely washable since the markers were very messy! ~smile~

Here are some pictures of how we made them.....

You will need two paper plates and some rice.

I glued all around the edge, stuck on the top plate and stapled them together as well to be sure the rice did not spill out.

The monkeys colored them, stuck on stickers and chose ribbons which I stapled on.

The finished product.


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