Thursday, January 24, 2008

Titus Women Tonight!

Tonight is night! It is our first meeting of Titus Women. I am quite excited. We are making home management binders. Last night my friend and I went to the church and made hundreds of photo copies and set up the tables and supplies. I will try and remember to take some pictures to share tomorrow. I thought today I would share some of the section ideas that could be included in the binders.

Section Ideas
Calendar - Year at a glance and monthly. Use to plan ahead. Write all important dates, appointments etc. on the calendar for each month. Can also include in this section a weekly planner if you like. Printable ones are available at many sites online.

Schedules and Routines - Master daily schedule or routine.

Menus and Recipes - Menu planning, most used recipes, recipes to try, shopping lists, pantry and freezer lists.

Cleaning - Daily, weekly, monthly, semi annual and annual chore lists.
- Cleaning checklists for each room.
- Project list of big cleaning projects to get to. eg. cleaning the attic etc.

School Related - School papers, schedules, forms etc.

Child Related - One section for each child. Put in everything related to that child. List of friends, their phone numbers, addresses and parents names. also include a recent photograph so you can grab it quickly in an emergency. Could also include gift / wish lists etc.

Budget and Money Matters - Yearly, Monthly, Weekly. List of all bills. Numbers to call if cards are stolen, bank contact info. Frugal Living notes.

Projects, Craft and Decor Ideas - Put in any craft instructions, project ideas or thoughts for decorating your home. Could also have in here a selection of paint and fabric swatches. Magazine clippings etc.

Home - A running list of things you need or would like to have for your home, paint swatches of colors in your home, fabric swatches of your furniture and drapes. Measurements of your windows, doors, spot you would like to put a painting or furniture etc. so you will know when you shop if something will fit or match in an area of your home. Instructions for turning off the water and gas.
Numbers of your repair men, contractors, plumbers and electricians.

Exercise and Diet Records - Exercise schedule, diet plan, weekly loss/gain chart, measurements etc.

Bible Study - Bible reading schedule, notes, scriptures to remember etc.

Gifts - Who to buy for and when. Ideas. List of what you have given to each person so you don't buy them the same thing again by mistake.

Addresses and Phone Numbers

Misc. Notes

Herbs and Natural Remedies

Favorite Websites - You never know when your computer may die and you will lose your favorites list.

Books I'd Like to Read and Movies I Would Like to See

Notes to Remember
Outreach / Church Related

Emergencies - CPR guide, First aid notes, Emergency numbers, List of medications you take, In the event of your death notes - where the will is, lawyer information, etc.

Storage Notes - Where things are. Sometimes you put away things so well you can't find them again!

Seasonal Checklists

Hospitality Notes - I used to keep a note taped inside one of my cupboards that listed guests and what they took in their coffee or tea. After they visited the first time I never had to ask them again what they took. This would be an ideal place for such notes. Eunice also shared with me about a woman who had this section in her binder and used to write down guests and what she served for dinner so she didn't repeat it the next time. She also wrote down food preferences, allergies etc. You could also use this section to write down ideas you would like to do in the future for guests etc. like have a basket of snacks and treats in the guest room so if your company wants a late night snack etc. they don't have to worry about asking you for it. (Also nice to have bottled water and a glass at the bedside and you could also provide a basket of toiletries they may need but have forgotten)

Scratch Paper Use clips to attach some scratch paper inside your binder for quick notes, messages etc. tie a pen to your clip and you will be all set!

I'll share more about this tomorrow hopefully with some pictures from the event. Now I better get busy and bake the chocolate chip bars I will be taking for coffee time afterwards.



*carrie* said...

Great ideas, Liisa! I have many of these lists already, but not compiled in one place.

Hope you had a fun evening!

Priscilla said...

Hi, What an amazing llist of things to get organised! i would love to stick to a plan, the crafts and cleaning, recipes and web sites sound like the things I would love to get organised! I look forward to seeing pictures and more about this in your next posts......

Priscilla x

Liisa said...

It was alot of fun! It really inspired me to get myself more organized.

Thanks for visiting!