Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wintery Wednesday!

This is one of the first days in I can't even remember how long that we haven't been able to go out for our walk. Making use of umbrellas on rainy days, a plastic cover on the stroller and bundling up we are able to go out for our walk in almost any weather. Today is just too nasty! It is snowing and we have had a flash freeze warning as well as a wind warning. It is gusting to 100 km. an hour and my hubby already had to fetch my big stroller out of the bushes as I usually leave it on the porch. He was unable to make it to work today and almost all the schools in our area are closed and no buses are running. The wind chill is -25. Brrrrrr! Growing up in northern towns I am pretty hardy when it comes to the cold but it is awfully chilly out there!

So today with 4 wild and crazy monkeys who aren't able to go outside we have made a cloud/wind craft, colored, did mazes, had homemade cinnamon rolls for snack and now I have set them up at the table in the kitchen to play playdough.

I have been able to bake two loaves of bread, do some laundry and tidy up the kitchen. Other than that not much is getting done, but refereeing and keeping monkeys busy!

I hope you are keeping warm where you are!


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