Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy To Go Back To Work???

The majority of Moms I have talked to about heading back to work after maternity leave are sad and reluctant to go and can't imagine leaving their babies behind. But I have been noticing an alarming number of women who don't feel that way at all. Just this morning I was talking to a mom who was telling me she was going back to work and I asked how she felt about it. She said she was so ready to go and couldn't wait. It was enough of just chasing the baby around all day. Another lady I talked to a few months ago told me that she was going back 5 months early and was ready it was time to get back to work and she was looking forward to it. There have been others too and they seem to feel that their home is some kind of prison and that caring for their wee babies is some kind of burden.

I do not understand those feelings at all. I stayed home with my son until he was in school full days. (No, we were not financially better off than others, in fact my husband made minimum wage!) Afterwards I foolishly went out of the home to work (to spite my husband having much better job) and I so regretted it. I had many jobs with long hours, terrible shifts, I missed so much and my home and my marriage suffered for it. How I longed to be home. Finally the opportunity came to care for children in my home through the agency I work for. I love it! I at last feel happy and fulfilled once again. Being home is not a prison it is a joy. There is so much to do and so many wonderful things that I get to do and be a part of. I am here for my husband and son whenever they need me. My home is cared for and I am able to experiment with recipes and crafts and learn something new everyday about many subjects. It is not dull in the least.

I also can't imagine wanting to leave your own baby. Children are a blessing. I can see the desire for some free time or some time alone but these things can be arranged by trading childcare with another mom of young ones or having your husband give you a day to yourself now and then. There are also many opportunities to spend time with other adults if that is what you feel is lacking in your life. Go to a playgroup and talk to other moms, attend a ladies Bible study where they provide childcare, start your own group and have ladies and their children over for a play date and visit with others while your children play together. I don't feel I am missing out on anything by being home full time in fact it is just the opposite I missed so much when I was working outside the home.

I know not everyone is able to stay home with their children and I am not speaking about those who have no choice - I just don't understand the women who are unhappy at home and can't wait to leave their babies and go back to work. It just seems so sad to me.


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