Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Peer Pressure

It isn't always easy to do what is right. I was just downstairs with my son and his friends and they were trying to get him to sing for them. He is very good but very shy about singing in front of people. Anyway, he jokingly says to them he is not one to give into peer pressure so he won't sing.

This just got me to thinking about a comment my friend made to me today. She was saying that even other Christian women sometimes make it hard to do what is right. She had made the choice to step out of some ministries so that she could devote more time to her husband and her family. I think this is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately not everyone feels this way. She has had other well meaning ladies trying to pull her in another direction. It is much like peer pressure. It is hard to stand firm in our decision to devote more time to home and family when you have other women encouraging you to do the opposite. They mean well and some may say it is a shame to waste your gifts but they may not realize that our homes are our primary mission field! We have little ones and husbands not to mention other family members that need us. When the time is right there is nothing wrong with volunteering for church activities and ministries but it is important that your priorities are in order.

It is so important to encourage each other to do what is right. By doing that we can build strong marriages and families that serve the Lord together.


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