Wednesday, March 5, 2008

This is the Day

Psalm 118:24 (King James Version)
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

This plaque is hanging in my kitchen. It is a daily reminder to me that no matter what the day has in store for me it is all part of God's plan. How I need this reminder! I also need to be reminded to rejoice especially when everything in the day seems to be going down hill and picking up speed!

I received a devotional in my email this morning that spoke about grumbling and how it is like The Blob from the 1950's movie that rolls along sucking up everyone it comes in contact with. It was speaking about how gossip and grumbling can be like that among believers. But it got me thinking about how it is in my home and with my little monkeys. If I am impatient and grumbling it seems to spread through our whole home. The little monkeys start to whine and fight and argue, my hubby and son are unhappy. It is like The Blob just came along and sucked them all into my mood.

However if I am happy and loving and patient then my day is wonderful even with all the inevitable mishaps etc. A good mood and a positive attitude also affect those you come in contact with.

I have learned that to a large extent my mood is a choice that I make. I can choose to dwell on upsetting things or I can give them to God and trust Him. I can choose to be joyful and see the good in things or I can look for what is wrong. I can choose.

This is the day the Lord has made....I choose to rejoice and be glad in it!


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