Monday, March 17, 2008

Busy Month = Lack of Posts!

My goodness! I just looked at the archive list for March and it says 4 posts! 4...that's it and it is now the 17th! Things have been just absolutely crazy here this month and it doesn't look like things will be letting up until April!

I just got back from Detroit last night. We had to pick up our friends who were returning from Florida and my hubby decided Friday night that since our son was away for the weekend that we should go down on Saturday, do some more shopping and have a romantic weekend - just the two of us. He is so sweet and it was absolutely wonderful!

I have been so busy with plans, events, meetings, appointments and trips that I haven't had any time to collect my thoughts let alone get something legible down on here! It is a good kind of busy though!

This week may be the busiest yet! We have a Titus Women meeting on Thursday evening. A dear lady will be teaching us scrap booking using the pictures from the church's past events so we will get to learn a fun new skill and get the pictures all taken care of! I am looking forward to learning how to do this as well as us having lovely scrapbooks to display and share at the church.

Then it is Good Friday and we have an 11 a.m. service. Saturday is Family Time at the church from 2-4. My wonderful friend Lisa is heading that up and will have several activities including this one which will be followed up with this movie and snacks.

Saturday evening I will be at the church helping to set up and decorate for the pancake breakfast Sunday morning. We will start cooking etc. at 6 a.m. Sunday and the breakfast will go from 8:30-9:45 followed by our Easter service. Then my mother in law is cooking us kassler - a German smoked pork roast - so good- so all I will need to make is the potatoes, veggies, rolls, and dessert. We usually have an angel food cake with whipped cream and kiwi, strawberries, mandarin oranges and blueberries. I just love how light and fresh that is after the big meal. ~smile~

I also need to fit in several other things before the end of the month but it will all work out I am sure!

I hope your month is going well! I hope to be able to post more regularly soon.


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