Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Busy Days!

Things have been so busy around here I feel like I have barely been able to catch my breath! Sunday I enjoyed a wonderful sermon that really inspired me. Then I came home and did some deep cleaning and alot of organizing before enjoying a relaxing evening with my family.

Yesterday, was filled with three little monkeys, errands, baking a double batch of chocolate chip cookies (which are almost gone already) ~smile~ cleaning and catching up on the laundry. Last night for dinner we had Greek Pitas. Basically beef sliced thin and fried with peppers and onions and put into pitas with lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers with a homemade cucumber sauce. They were really yummy but the best part was that I was able to make the pitas themselves! They were so amazing to make, they even have the pocket inside! I was so impressed! I made the dough in the bread maker - my most favorite thing! Speaking of the bread maker I have also been making bread everyday and trying out new recipes for it.

Last night I went to help audit the church books for our church and also for one of our sister churches. I will be finishing that up this afternoon at about three.

This morning I had a dog related incident which involved our dog and having to clean the dining room rug and then actually take all the furniture out of the dining room and roll up the room sized rug and take it out to the porch where it is drying and airing out as we speak. This happened about fifteen minutes before company was expected to arrive!

I had two other ladies over to really plan and organize for our upcoming Titus Women meeting next week and then had my surprise inspection for the agency I work through. When that was over it was lunch time and now I am just taking a moment to catch up here and already I can hear a little monkey starting to wake up though I am praying right now that he falls back asleep because if he gets up now he won't have had enough sleep and will be really grumpy and wake up the other sleeping monkey who will then also be grumpy. ~sigh~ Busy! Busy!

I better get back at it! I hope you are enjoying your Tuesday!


P.S. The dog looks awfully innocent in the picture above doesn't she? Appearances can be deceiving!


*carrie* said...


I never thought of making pita bread! I'm so impressed that you tried it.

Liisa said...

I just stumbled on to the recipe when I was looking for bread machine recipes and thought I should give it a try. It was so much easier than I thought it would be! Thanks for coming by!
