Thursday, December 1, 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Yesterday morning I woke up to the first snowy day of the year. Nothing puts in me in a more "homey" mood than a snowy day!
It was so very lovely, everything all fresh and pretty! That is until I tried to leave my house and realized that I had put off buying winter boots a little too long! In the spring I had thrown out my old beat up ones and meant to buy a new pair this fall but I just kept putting it off. This meant that I had to go walking in a winter wonderland wearing just a little pair of flats, getting them full of the pretty white stuff, and freezing my feet all because I knew winter was coming and yet I was not prepared.

This holds a bigger lesson for me. There is something we all need to prepare for. The end could come at anytime, any day, any moment. It could be today. We are not told when Jesus will come back but even if He doesn't come soon we could meet the end of our earthly lives at any moment as well. Are you prepared? Have you made your travel arrangements before you take your final trip? Do you know without a shadow of a doubt that if you died right now you would go to heaven?

If you don't please look after that right now, be prepared! It is easy, simply pray asking God to come into your life, into your heart, confess your sins and turn from them. God is faithful and just and ready to forgive no matter what you might have done. He loves you and wants you to live with him for ever. So why not make that choice today. If you have done this please seek out a church in your area and let someone know that you have made this decision to be ready should your end come. If you need help with finding a church or would like to discuss this further please leave me a comment and I will be happy to get in contact with you!

I am now off to enjoy the winter weather!

Have a happy day!

Picture from

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