Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Godly Woman - An Example to Follow

I was thinking this afternoon about a funeral I attended some time ago. the funeral was for a lovely woman named Edith.
  During her funeral they said some remarkable things about her that I would like to share with you as she is a worthy example to follow.
  She was an excellent wife, always working with her husband together for God on their farm. She even worked on building the church in her place at his side.
  When the pastor said ..."her husband praises her.." Her husband called out Amen. I can only hope to do as well by my husband.
  She was an excellent mother  - her children arose and spoke of this. All her children were raised in faith, they remember her willingness to play with them, even swimming in chilly lakes and walking the shores. Let's remember to take the time for our children, believe me the time flies by so very quickly. I often tease my son that he was 4, I blinked and now he is 24. How I miss the days when he was small and wanted me to play. How grateful I am that I did.
   Many gave tribute remarking on her incredible hospitality, she always made everyone feel welcome even when they popped by unannounced. She was always ready with treats and refreshments. They said it was so easy to come to her home and so hard to leave. Edith made everyone feel very special and very welcome.
  She was an excellent homemaker  - many remarked on how well she kept her home to spite all her other duties. Her home was always clean and neat and ready for company.
  Edith never wasted food. She was a gardener with huge gardens and every bit was canned frozen or cooked, not wasting anything she was blessed with.
  She was a wonderful seamstress sewing dresses and quilts of quality - she worked willingly with her hands.
  She kept a sweet disposition though she experienced severe tragedy in her life and never wavered in her faith.
  She was known for her love. she loved others and they knew it whether family, friends, acquaintances or those she just met she loved them all and it showed.
  Her husband and she were sacrificially generous, giving to the church, those in need and those that weren't.
  Edith had a quiet and gentle spirit. she was never heard to argue, slander, gossip, complain or even be angry. She never raised her voice. Her grandson remembered 3 weeks he spent with them when he was a boy full of mischief. He said when he needed discipline she never went for the wood pile she just a look on her face and he knew he never wanted to hurt her again.
  She was excited and passionate about her faith - she excitedly told others about her faith, she was thrilled to share. She was on fire for God!
  It was said often that she was a wonderful woman, a virtuous woman who can find, they said she was one for sure and her value is far above rubies.

 All of this makes me think about what they would say at my funeral.  Selfish? Too shy to share faith? Waster of blessings and tosser of food. Hired out sewing because she was too lazy to learn. Loud, gets angry, faced tragedies with despair, Home too messy to have company. Unwelcoming? Gossiper? Slanderer?
Oh Lord let it not be so! I pray God helps me to learn from this wonderful example of a truly godly woman. 
What would they say of you?
Picture available here.

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