Monday, July 12, 2010

Respect Your Husband

(This post originally appeared in 2007 but as I still receive comments on it and I feel it is an important message I decided to re-post it now ~smile~)

Respect is so important to a happy marriage. Many women don't respect their husbands and it shows in everything they do. When you don't respect your husband you are likely to talk down to him, treat him like he's an idiot or one of the children.

There is a stereotype of the poor stupid man who is not capable of the simplest task without the explicit instructions from his wife which he usually messes up anyway. This stereotype is promoted in most sitcoms and commercials and even children's programs' and story books.

There is also the phenomenon known as man bashing. Women get together and discuss the faults, mistakes and shortcomings of their men. I used to join in wholeheartedly much to my shame. I also used to make derogatory comments about my husband in front of him and others all in the name of humour. How hurtful those comments can be and how I regret every one I made.

It is important that your husband receives the respect he deserves. Make him feel he's special and important because he is. You may be thinking that your husband has to earn your respect. His position as the man you chose to be your husband entitles him to that respect. Believe me if you always tell someone they can't do anything right or point out their faults they will eventually start to believe you and act the way they are expected to. But if you build them up they will live up to it.

If you build up your husband and make him feel respected and important then he will not be so susceptible to comments from other women that stroke his ego.One comment I've heard from men who cheated or left their wives is that they got no respect at home. So when a woman comes along, perhaps at work who tells him he is great, appreciates his work, tells him he can do anything, has confidence in him and treats him with respect he is seduced by that if he is not getting it at home. Everyone wants to feel good about themselves.

Another helpful reminder is to not attempt to boss your husband around. He is a grown man, not a child. He is fully capable of completing tasks and making decisions. Take a look at how you and your husband interact. Do you bark orders at your husband? Do you explain things to him like he is a child? Do you always tell him what he can and cannot do? Do you try and control all his free time - do you tell him how he must spend it?

Treat your husband as he deserves to be treated. Let's build our men up and not tear them down. In turn you will gain a husband that lives up to your respect and loves you even more than ever before.

Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Ephesians 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.


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