Monday, February 2, 2009

Today's Craft for the Littles

Today in honour of Groundhog Day we will be making puppets inspired by this craft.

Since my monkeys are little I cut out all the pieces and I will get them to glue it together. It is hard to tell in the pictures but the top of the green felt is fringed to look like grass. Realistically though I suppose I should have used white felt to look like snow - oh well we'll just have a happy spring groundhog in the grass! ~smile~

I glued the body pieces on to a Popsicle stick and sealed the edges too, then glued on the rest of the pieces as seen. I just folded over the green piece and glued it to form a sleeve for the puppet that is open on both ends.

Then you just slide your groundhog puppet into the grass sleeve and then you can make him pop up and down peeking out of his hole.

Happy Groundhog Day!



Lori said...

How cute! You're so good to do season-appropriate crafts with the kiddies. I'm getting ready to start making our Valentine's for the kids' classmates. I'm making birdseed hearts with red ribbon for hanging. "This Valentine's Day is for the Birds"

Liisa said...

Oh what a cute idea! I hope you post pictures so I can get the visual...I do so much better with a visual!
