Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Marriage - Sticking With It

Note - Right at the outset of this post I would like to say if your husband is abusing you or your children find help. Do not stay in a situation that will endanger you or your children.

I think one of the biggest causes of divorce in our day is the failure to just stick with it. Everywhere we look we are told that it is all about us, it is all about our happiness, life is too short to waste being unhappy, kick him or her to the curb etc. But what happens if things in your marriage hit a rough patch and you choose not to listen to all that "advice" from TV, celebrities, friends etc.? What happens when you choose to stick with it? When you choose to believe that you took sacred vows and you will honour them until death you do part?

You stick with it and things do improve.

My marriage has hit it's rough patches too, every one's has, especially in the first few years we were married. But you know what, even though I was told to just give up and move on and I know my hubby separately received that same advice we stuck with it and how grateful I am because my marriage is wonderful and I cannot imagine my life without my hubby. I love him so much and he is the husband I always dreamed I would have. If I had given up I would have missed out on this.

When I think of all the couples who have had marriages that have lasted for 40, 50 even 75 years I can't help but wonder what kind of advice they received through their marriages. When they married they married for life. I am sure they hit rough patches too but they worked through them together. When you do not see divorce as an option then you are more willing to work together to make your marriage happy and move past difficulties.

I would urge you if you are having trouble in your marriage don't give up. Stick with it. Seek solid Christian counselling for issues you feel you can't resolve on your own. You may be surprised to come out the other side of the difficulty even more in love than before and with your bond strengthened.


Picture from


Lori said...

I couldn't agree more, Liisa! Working through tumultuous times together is worth it in the end. We definitely had our share of those rough patches, and I'm sure there are more to come, but it's so comforting to know that my hubby and I are committed to growing and working it out. Thanks for the great post!

Liisa said...

Thanks Lori!


Thumperdd said...

Hi, Liisa! Thank you for this post. I haven't been married long (5 years) and the first 4 were awful. There were so many times that we could've given up and almost did. I think society makes it ok for us to give up. It's easier to give up and play the blame game than to actually work together toward a goal.

Once we finally allowed ourselves to get on the same page it's been so much better. It was hard to find resources on working it out and growing our relationship. Everytime I talked to someone about it they gave me "What to do after the divorce advice" and lawyers phone numbers. It's almost as if we've set things up with escape routes in place.

Thank you for encouraging people to find legitimate help and encouragement!

In Christ,

Liisa said...

Thank you for your kind comments Danita. You are so right society does make it o.k. to give up and it is almost like they make it hard to do anything else. I am so glad to hear that you stuck together!
