Monday, January 5, 2009

End of the Holidays

Today officially marks the end of our holidays. My hubby is back at work, my son is back at school and my little monkeys are back.

I really enjoyed the time off and time spent with my family but it is somehow nice to get back to routine. I missed the little ones and our regular daily schedule.

During my two weeks off I was able to get so much done though. It is amazing how quickly you can clean a house and how much better the job is when you don't have three to five little monkeys "helping" you and following you around.

One project I was quite happy to have done is sorting out all my recipes and cookbooks. A year or two ago I purchased a box for holding index cards at the second hand shop and put my recipe cards in it. It is a long metal one and would hold hundreds of cards. It has long been my desire to go through my cookbooks, recipe magazines, binders full of recipes I wrote out years ago etc. and write down the recipes I wanted to keep on cards and file them in this box. Well, job done! I am so pleased with how much room this gives me and how much easier it will be to find recipes without having to search through everything. I wish I had remembered to take pictures! I have four cookbooks and several small recipe books for the yard sale box and I had a whole shopping bag full of papers and recipes for the recycling!

I took some time to go through and declutter as well as deep clean the whole house. I was also able to do some planning for meals and activities for the monkeys.

It is so nice to start the year off on the right foot with a fresh clean house, organized and ready to go.


Picture from

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