Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beatitudes for Housewives

I came across this is one of the cookbooks I went through the other day and thought I would share it with you...

Beatitudes for Housewives

Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labour of love; for her willing hands and happy heart translate duty into privilege and her labor becomes a service to God.

Blessed is she who opens her door to welcome both stranger and friends; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love.

Blessed is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts; for her understanding is a balm to humanity.

Blessed is she who scours and scrubs; for well she knows that cleanliness is one expression of godliness.

Blessed is she whom children love; for the love of a child is more to be valued than fortune or fame.

Blessed is she who sings while she works; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore.

Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusions; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.

Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion.

Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the Christian home; for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.

Don't you just love that.

Happy Tuesday!


Picture from www.allposters.com

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