Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Living Simply

1 Timothy 6:7,8 - For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be there with content.

I have long been searching for simplicity. I have a sign in my bathroom that says "Live Simply" and I have another above my stove that says "Simplify", yet truly having a simplified life has eluded me. I'm sure it has eluded others as well given the number of books written on the subject.

There is one book though that holds the true key - The Bible. Everything we need to know about simple living is right there.

Too many things cluttering up your life? 1 Timothy 6:7,8.
Too many activities, commitments, jobs, errands and appointments? Titus 2 tells us to be keepers at home and 1 Timothy 5:13-14 tells us to guide our houses.

These are basic truths that I've read many times and yet are a profound revelation to me today. I've been piling our home full of things - many we do not need or have a good place for just because I like them. Reading Timothy I realize I need to learn contentment. I need to be content with what I have and thin things out ridding our home of things that clutter it up and add nothing to our lives. I am not advocating minimalism because I believe a home should be lovely, warm and welcoming, but not cluttered so I will be clearing out some things and organizing what is left.

I have a comic strip tape inside my kitchen cupboard that says something like...
Next on wild kingdom we observe the overbooked woman in her natural habitat and it shows a frazzled looking woman coming home after dark with pizza and her recycling box is overflowing with takeout containers.

I have been running around everyday so busy am rarely home and it takes it's toll on me, my husband, child and home. For me I am so stressed, rushed and always behind as well as exhausted. My family feels neglected, my home is in desperate need of attention and things just become too much.

God's Word tells us our priorities - God, husband ,children, home then outside interests. It also tells us to be keepers at home. When we let our priorities get out of order unhappiness always follows. Being a keeper at home keeps us from being overbooked because how can you be a keeper at home if you are never there?

I am purposing to be home unless I have to go out. I am going to designate one day a week for errands and things I need to do away from home, other than that I aim to be at home.

Yesterday I drove past a town where we used to live when my son was just four years old. I found myself longing for those days and remembering how I had time to enjoy a magazine, do crafts, bake everything, go for walks, be there for others, read, study the Bible at length, do outreach often- the list just goes on and on. My house was spotless and we had a home cooked meal made completely from scratch every night. How was this possible? Because I was a keeper at home! I'd go to town once a week do our errands and shopping and spend the majority of time in my own house. Life was so much simpler then - I need to get back to being at home!

The simple life awaits!

Picture from www.allposters.com

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