As consumers I believe we are shopping ourselves out of work. It is startling how many items we buy that are not made in North America. The majority of items we buy are made in China. We buy them because they are less expensive and we are trying to save money. Stores stock these items because they can then offer lower prices and sell more.
I think what we fail to realize is that even though we may be saving money we are slowly buying ourselves out of work. If we have no work we won't have any money to save by buying things made in other countries.
I am not advocating wasting money but honestly you get what you pay for. You can buy something that is cheaply made for less money and save at that moment or you can buy a quality item that will last far longer and save in the long run....this is a lesson that I am still learning.
We all need to support our own countries and keep our own people working.
Are you out of a job yet?
I will peacefully step down off my soap box now. ~smile~
I get tired of see how the big wigs spend their money and how much they they really need to have company vacation homes and private jets? Do the car dealerships have to have a MEGA store? Why do companies always think bigger is better. Why is there a McDonald's on every they ever wonder why there isn't company loyalty anymore....well, because if they lose this job, they can always go to the next McDonald's on the next corner....
We are just a greedy society...and it is pitiful!!
Ok, I was just stopping by to say Merry Christmas....I'll be out of pocket planning this wedding and the holidays....just didn't want to let time get by without wishing you the best this Christmas season....
Merry Christmas!
I read somewhere that the Chevy Equinox is about 85% foreign supplied, whereas the Honda Accord is about 75% USA supplied and it is built in Marysville, OH.
If I buy an Accord, I will be buying a product that has put more Americans to work than a Chevy Equinox.
My problem is that "buying foreign" is unavoidable in the US today, since so many corporations have sold out to greed.
This is so true. So many companies have opened plants in places like China and Mexico and then close the plants here. Cheap labour = cheap parts = poor end product.
~sigh~ Unfortunately there is not much we can do - however here there are many products available if you look for them that say made in Canada. Whenever that is an option that is what I buy. Aside from that - I just wish the corporations would open their eyes to what they are doing and what the long term effects of their choices will be. If they choose to close the plants in our countries and open them in China and other places causing so very many to lose their jobs then who is going to buy their product? The ones who have lost their jobs are the ones who would have bought it but are now out of work and have no money to purchase anything new. Are the workers in China suddenly going to be buying big pick up trucks? SUV's? Are they going to have the money to purchase any cars with the low wages they are being paid to make the parts? I don't think so - The companies are crying because no one is buying their product but they have done this to themselves. Ofcourse people who are afraid they may not have a job soon are not going to be out shopping and the ones who have already lost their jobs cannot go shopping. Perhaps they should have seen this coming and kept their work in the countries that support them instead of being so greedy.
This is a topic near to my heart as my hubby is about to lose his job for this very same reason.
Oops! I seem to have climbed back up on an even bigger soap box! I will step back off once again! ~smile~
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