Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Word to the Wise

Make very sure that a wee little black current Bentasil lozenge does not make it into your dryer with your load of whites.

They are sneaky little things! I am always so careful to empty pockets and sort the laundry so colors don't run and everything was fine when I put the clothes in the dryer so imagine my surprise when I opened my dryer and saw purple everywhere! I don't know how I missed it.

We are off to do some shopping today to replace what was ruined. How blessed we are that we have the ability to do that. Thank you Lord.



Traci @ The Bakery said...

Ewwwww......I'm so sorry!!!

Lori said...

Oh, yeah, it's so annoying when that happens. Recently a color shirt snuck it's way into the whites, and what a bummer.

Liisa said...

Thanks for your comments, it was a nasty mess but all is well now and I am double and triple checking pockets from now on!
