Sunday, October 31, 2010


I read something a few weeks ago that really hit home for me. It was on a plaque in a shop and it said "Don't let grass grow on the path of friendship."

Wow...what a picture that paints for me of a long neglected path winding through the woods of life overgrown with the grass of neglect.

I realized that due to my life being hectic and so many changes going on that I had let that happen to my friendships...and at a time when I really needed them most!

I had been talking to my hubby about how much I need fellowship with other Christian women and lamenting the fact that our new church is in another town and we do not have much opportunity to really spend time with the people there outside of Sunday services. Then I realized that perhaps the reason that I had been feeling the need for fellowship so strongly is because I had let friendships go in my life.

One of my friends and I recently saw each other at a funeral for another dear friend. We realized that the last time we saw each other was at another funeral several monthes earlier! How awful that is!

One of my other close friends I used to talk to almost every morning on the phone before my family was up and after her hubby left to go work on the farm....I somehow haven't found the time to even fit in a phone call. ~sigh~

Life has been busy, full of change, issues that have bogged me down for a time and all those things have been hard and kept things hectic but it is long past time I broke out the lawn mower and cleared those paths of friendship! How thankful I am to have realized this before the paths had grown over to the point of being impossible to find again.

Do you have any paths you need to clear? ~smile~

Picture from

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