Friday, September 18, 2015

Keeper at Home

  A man I know once asked me what it is about women that make us want to look after our homes. The answer to that question is God. God created women to care for our homes, our husbands and our children. We were created to be a helper for our husbands and it is an exciting and wonderful calling!
   I never felt happier or more fulfilled than when I gave up working outside the home and became a full time homemaker. I used to manage a busy spa and yet my favorite parts of that job were doing the laundry, helping the therapists by readying rooms and caring for the clients needs. The whole time I was there I was longing to be home.
  People today have an easier time understanding being a stay at home mom than they used to but they still have a hard time understanding being a stay at home wife when the children have grown up.
They generally feel that women whose children are grown should go out and work. I don't feel that way at all. In Titus 2:5 it doesn't  say "...keepers at home while your children are young then go work". It simply says keepers at home. 
  I know there are those who think women are lazy because they want to be at home rather than out working. But being home all day gives them the freedom to serve their husbands. I can go to bed when my husband does and get up each morning early to look after him, get his breakfast and coffee and make his lunch before I see him off to work. I am home to look after whatever he would like done during the day. I am able to go on trips with him without any conflicts in work schedules. Our home is clean and looked after and I can have baking done for his lunch or snacks. I have the time to make homemade meals from scratch everyday and make special treats for him - like homemade hummus - his favorite ~smile~. You can save a lot of money by doing things like making meals, baked goods and snacks from scratch. Another way a stay at home wife can save money is by sewing and mending the things she already has.
I try and  preserve foods for later use. I just made salsa the other day and have already canned our pears for winter. Next week will find me picking apples and making applesauce and apple pie filling God willing. Then comes picking wild grapes and making jelly. I can make many of the gifts we give as well and make  things for our home. I can also open our home for hospitality because I have been here to keep the house clean and to do baking so I can offer surprise guests something.
  Being home full time also gives me the opportunity for outreach and ministry work. I am able to have neighbours and acquaintances over for a coffee and chat, opening the door for spiritual conversations. I can go and do outreach activities, teach junior church and soon Sunday school as well as I have the time to plan the lessons and the crafts. I can have a ladies Bible study here one afternoon a week and I am able to head the ladies ministry at our church which involves studies, outings and special outreach projects. All these things are only possible because I am home full time.
  I am a very content and very fulfilled keeper at home - it is a very busy and very happy life!

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