Thursday, November 13, 2008


Today is kind of a chilly rainy day here so we spent a bit of time this morning watching the I Love Toy Trains videos. My son (who is now 17) loved these movies when he was small. I mean LOVED them - he just couldn't get enough! The little monkeys loved them just as much this morning. They are such simple movies but really hold a child's interest.

Afterward we made some trains on tracks for our craft time. We glued Popsicle sticks into tracks and I drew and cut out some trains for them to color. Here is a picture of the trains all finished.

They really enjoyed this one. I like to tie a craft project into a story, video (like this morning) or something we are learning about. For example the other day we were talking about hamsters, learning what they eat, where they live, looking at pictures of hamsters online then we watched the hamster dance video online and colored hamster pictures. They seem to really enjoy how things all tie together into a sort of theme day. ~smile~


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