Monday, August 4, 2008

Cost vs. Quality

I have learned a valuable lesson these week and that is that sometimes it is better to spend more and get quality because in the long run it will save you more money.

This is the case with bargain laundry soap. I have been using bargain laundry soap for quite a while because the name brand kind is so expensive but I noticed that our clothes were not as clean as I would have liked, stains were an issue and items just had to be thrown away sooner. So in the long run the bargain soap cost me alot more money because our clothes etc. did not last as long. I also had to use a full cup of bargain soap to get any kind of result. I have switched back to Gain and the difference is amazing! I wish I had switched sooner. Our clothes and linens smell wonderful and are fresh and CLEAN. I also went back to Bounce rather than bargain sheets and our things smell so nice and are soft and static free. Definitely worth the money!

Another thing I have changed is that I was buying big packs of less expensive bath soap and I have switched back to Lever 2000 and it saves money in the long run because the bars last so much longer. The less expensive bars disappear or break in half so quickly that you go through a big pack in no time. They also leave residue in the tub that takes more time and effort to clean. So the bargain really is not such a bargain after all and an added bonus is that the more expensive soap smells so nice ~smile~.

Just a few thoughts that I am sure many of you have already discovered but have helped me this week.



Traci @ The Bakery said...

I have friends that love to shop at the dollar store for their toiletries....well, I think the sizes are much smaller than regular stores and so, you really aren't saving any money there either. The bars of soap almost look like travel size...and sell for almost the same price as the big stores. I have an HE washer and have to buy the EXPENSIVE HE stuff.....Sears has a brand in powder for $20.00....I think it is a 3 or 4 gallon bucket. I think it works great. For my white items, I use BIZ and HE bleach. He's are known for turning clothes gray for some reason. Since I started using the BIZ they are as white as can be.

Liisa said...

You really have to watch things like size too - you're right. I have actually noticed that here instead of raising the prices of things like groceries they are changing the size and keeping the price the same. So instead of getting a 10lb. bag of potatoes for example you are only getting 7 lbs. for the same price.

I have not seen Biz here I will have to keep my eyes open though!


Traci @ The Bakery said...

BIZ will be with the stain fighter is in a smaller box...but, not THAT small. Wow, were you really referencing the potatoes or were you just using that as an example.....I need to go me to thinkin'

Liisa said...

Thanks for letting me know where to look for it! It really is true about the potatoes at least it is here. I also noticed that the big blocks of cheese like cracker barrel that used to be 600 grams are now only 540 grams and the packaging and price stayed the same. Lots of things have changed that way.


*carrie* said...


I agree--it takes a lot of trial and error to determine which generics hold a candle to their name brand counterparts!

Liisa said...

That is so true Carrie! I use many generic products that are just as good and sometimes even better than the name brand but it does take lots of trial and error to discover which ones.
