Monday, August 2, 2010

Soup Kitchen

This morning I am going to help at the local soup kitchen and I thought I might share a bit about it in the hopes that others will start the same type of ministry.

This one all started when there was a fire downtown. It took out two buildings and damaged others before the firefighters were able to get it out. The fire started around 7:30 in the morning and I called my friend to let her know what was going on as she lives outside of town. We realized that there were people displaced who lived in those buildings and needed somewhere to go while this was going on. My friend Nancy contacted her pastor and the doors of her church were opened to anyone in need. Food and coffee were served to those poor people and over the next few days it became obvious that there was a bigger need here. These people did not have much and were often making use of the food banks to get through the month.

It was then that the idea of the soup kitchen came to Nancy - why not help these people and any others that may have a need on an ongoing basis. With church approval she opened the doors of "Soup and More". These loving people serve meals from 11-2 on Mondays and Wednesdays. The media got involved and donations and food have been pouring into this little church from all over the county. Volunteers come from many different churches to help and the people both those helping and those coming have been blessed!

As the name indicates this ministry is about more than food. Volunteers spend time with these people sharing their troubles and their lives and most importantly sharing the gospel. A couple who has been there from the first meal the day of the fire has been faithfully attending church every Sunday and every other time the doors are open! A man known as "the biggest drug dealer in town" has accepted the Lord! So many people are being reached that no one has been able to reach before. Hearts and lives are being changed!

We were all unaware of the needs in our own town before that fire. We had no idea that there were homeless people in our town, that people were going hungry for days with no money to purchase food for even the most basic meals. We live in a prosperous little town in the middle of farm country. We were blind to the needs around us.

Perhaps you or someone you know would like to start this type of ministry! Pray about and seek God's will! ~smile~
