Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rolling Out Pie Crusts

For today's Works for me Wednesday I wanted to share the easiest way to roll out pie crusts. I use a warm damp cloth and wipe down the counter. Then I cover it with plastic wrap (usually two pieces to completely cover the width and just long enough to accommodate a rolled out pie crust). The dampness holds the plastic wrap to the counter. Next I sprinkle it with flour, slightly flatten the ball of dough, sprinkle it with a bit of flour then cover with plastic wrap the same size as the bottom. Now the dough can be rolled out easily between the sheets. Once it is rolled out the dough will stick on the top sheet when you lift it off so you can lay the dough right in the pan and just peel away the plastic wrap. So easy and the best part is that you just gather up the plastic wrap off the counter and toss it away- no mess. You won't have to wipe down the counter or even wash the rolling pin!

For more ideas visit Rocks in my Dryer.


Dutch Apple Pie

I made a dutch apple pie for dessert tonight which is one of my son's favorites. I actually meant to make it the other day but sometimes life has a way of just getting away from you!

Here is the recipe is you would like to try it.....

Dutch Apple Pie

7 apples peeled, cored and sliced thin
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 tsp. cinnamon

1/3 cup sugar
3/4 cup flour
6 tbsp. butter

- Mix sugar and cinnamon with apples and pour into pie shell.
- Cut butter into flour and sugar. Sprinkle over apples.
- Bake at 400 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until lightly browned.

I debated about sharing these pictures as you can see that with a house full of little monkeys you can't always get to the oven when the timer goes off so my pie is a little over browned - however that is real life around here so here are the pictures!


Napkin Rings

I mentioned that I was making ribbon covered napkin rings on Saturday night and I remembered to take some pictures to share so here they are!

Start with a paper towel or toilet paper tube.

Cut it to the length you want your napkin ring to be.

Hot glue the end of your ribbon to the inside of the tube.

Wrap ribbon around and around the tube to cover gluing as you go to secure it.

Trim with a bow, ribbon band or any other decorative item you may like or they are lovely as they are.


Titus Women April

Last Thursday we had our Titus Women meeting for April. We were taught how to make beeswax candles by our pastor's lovely wife Lynda. It was so much fun. You can find directions to make your own here. We made tapered ones and they are so pretty. I gave a set to my mother in law since she couldn't make it and she loved them. They smell just wonderful too.

After we finished that we enjoyed some refreshments and discussed frugal tips and ideas. My friend Lisa shared some ideas for children and I spoke about ways to save with food. As usual the ladies there had many great thoughts and ideas to share and we all learned quite alot!

I am really enjoying this time spent with other ladies learning from one another and growing closer together, what a blessing!

The photo above is of Lynda and my niece (who is trying to hide) taken at the meeting.~smile~


Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Busy Weekend

This weekend was quite busy but good! Saturday my son and I dropped off my hubby for an overnight fishing trip, then we roamed the country side shopping and exploring. It was really nice to have that time alone with him - those days are getting fewer and farther between as he gets older. We stopped by one of the farms I mentioned in my last post and picked up some eggs. I got 8 dozen so I would have some to share with a few of the ladies here that haven't been able to get any for awhile. I was so ashamed of the state of my house after seeing how spotlessly clean the Mennonite lady's home was that I spent the rest of the afternoon scrubbing down our house! ~smile~

Then I made some ribbon napkin rings for the upcoming banquet at our church while I watched a movie with my son and his friend and it was off to bed!

Yesterday I baked some rye bread and a cinnamon swirl loaf for lunch, went to church and enjoyed a fantastic time of worship, prayer and fellowship, with a wonderful sermon on trusting the Bible as truth. Afterwards I enjoyed lunch with my sister, nephew, mother in law and my son and his friend. We had tuna salad on rye, with two soups to choose from -butternut squash and chicken noodle (both were in my freezer so all I had to do was pull them out in the morning and heat them up right before we ate). This was followed by cinnamon swirl loaf and coffee.

Then I took my mother in law to a nearby town to do some shopping and came home, had a rest and then my hubby came home just in time for dinner. We had his favorite - Korean Beef. It is an easy recipe but very yummy! We have it often.

Here is the recipe in case you would like to give it a try. It comes from the Betty Crocker Good and Easy Cookbook.

Korean Beef

1 lb. beef, cut in bite size pieces or small strips.
1/4 cup soy sauce
3 tbsp. sugar
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1/4 tsp. pepper
3 medium green onions finely chopped - I usually just use a cooking onion diced.
2 cloves garlic chopped
Hot cooked rice

Mix all ing. except rice in a medium glass or plastic bowl. Stir in beef until well coated. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes.

Drain beef; discard marinade. Heat 10 in. skillet over med. heat. Cook beef in skillet until browned and cooked through.

Serve over rice.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Food From The Farm

One of the best ways I have found to save money is to cut out the middle man and buy whatever you can right from the farm. We live in a little town surrounded by farm land so we are quite blessed in this area. We purchase our beef by the quarter and get it for $2.20 a pound for every cut. Ground beef, t-bones, roasts, ribs etc. are all $2.20 a pound, that means considerable savings while allowing us to eat healthier since we know that these animals are healthy and not full of hormones, antibiotics and other nasty things. We also get to choose how it is cut and portioned. We buy our chickens and pork from the farm as well. If you are not able to afford a quarter cow or half a pig or simply do not need that much then it is a wonderful idea to share it with another family or families then you will all still take advantage of the savings!

There are many farmer's markets in our area and several Mennonite farms that sell produce, eggs, baking, etc. from little shops on their farms. Buying eggs from the farm saves 79 cents a dozen even more if you buy them by the flat. With the produce you can know that it is fresh, (I have bought cabbages that the lady went and cut right out of the field for me while I waited!) and talk directly to the grower about pesticide use etc. The Mennonites that I buy from do not use them so that is good to know.

So if you are able in your area you can eat healthier for much less by buying directly from the farm!



I am looking forward to seeing this film......

This is especially of interest to me as I have a teenage son that attends a public high school where they teach Darwin's theory as fact to spite the fact it is called Darwin's theory!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

My New Shop

Please take a moment to visit my new shop at www.cafepress.com/undividedheart . It is my hope to encourage families by promoting traditional Christian values.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Best Way to Wash Windows

I thought I would share the best way I have found to wash windows. My mother in law taught me to do them this way and I have done mine like this ever since.

You need a large bowl or small pail filled with hot soapy water - use dishsoap.
Two rags, window cleaner or a spray bottle with vinegar and water and paper towels. I usually use vinegar and water since it is less expensive and environmentally friendly.

First you wash the windows, frames and sills with the soapy water, then you dry it with the other rag and finally spray with window cleaner and wipe off with paper towels.

This may seem like alot more work that just using the window cleaner but it really is much easier as you clean the frames and sills at the same time and you don't end up with any streaks as the dirt is washed away with the soapy water. The window cleaner then removes any soapy residue and shines the glass.


Housework and New Little Monkeys

Yesterday was a wonderful day and I was able to get so much accomplished. Don't you just love that feeling! I got all our windows washed, they get so dirty over the winter and it is so nice to able to look out of fresh clear windows ~smile~ I also got the floors washed and vacuumed, dusted, caught up on our laundry and generally tidied up the house. I cooked dinner in the afternoon as well so I was free to relax when my little monkey went home. I was quite pleased about this when I discovered an old Bing Crosby movie on TV that I hadn't seen before - Road to Hong Kong. I love Bing Crosby so I settled in with a needlepoint I am working on and enjoyed the film.

Yesterday I also had an interview with a couple who are looking for childcare for the next six weeks. They have two very sweet little girls ages 3 and 1 1/2. They will be starting with me on Monday! This will fill up my spaces and take me up to my holidays. Then it looks like I will be off for July and quite part time for August as my little guy's Mommy is a teacher and off for the summer so I will just have a couple of part timers. It will be nice to have more free time over the summer to go exploring and visiting etc. I will surely miss the little ones but we will see what God has in store for us. Many times I have made plans only to discover that God has made different ones for me so I'll wait and see what is in store!

Happy Tuesday!


Monday, April 21, 2008

Summertime Temperatures

This weekend we were blessed with temperatures in the middle to high twenties. For anyone familiar with Canadian weather this is rare in April! So we made the most of it and got a lot of yard work and tidying up done. I purchased some pansies and got those planted in pots yesterday afternoon - so pretty! I have always loved pansies as they remind me of my grandparents and my childhood. We do not plant in the ground until after Victoria day as the risk of killing frost is too great until after that, but it is hard not to want to get it all going when it is so beautiful outside! I also got my front porch ready for the season. That is where we spend quite a bit of time as it is shady and cooler there. We have a porch swing which is one of my favorite places to curl up and read or just relax. When the bushes that surround the porch have all their leaves it is very private. Some of the joys of the warmer weather. ~smile~

Here are a few pictures of my pansies. They will fill out soon! The cookie jar was found in the house where we found Milton's letters. I thought it was too cute to be tossed out and it is just right for some flowers.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Great Post

For a great post about children in our day and age visit Life as a Sheep.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Knowing Your Role

Women today play many roles. Wives, mothers, employees, bosses, friends, Sunday school teachers, women's ministry leaders, board members, trustees, worship leaders,coaches, shoppers, etc. etc. the list could go on forever. Which role best describes you?

Let's take a look at the role Our Father gave to us.

Genesis 2:18 tells us - The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Women were created so that man would not be alone and so we could be a helper suitable for him. We need to ask ourselves are we fulfilling that role the best we can? Are all the other roles I am playing taking away from that one? Is my husband often left alone while I run around looking after everyone and everything else? Am I being a helper suitable for him? Or am I leaving him to look after himself and his own needs while I am too busy with everything else? Obviously we do need to look after other things but we need to make sure that this first role is not being neglected in favor of others.

Some might say "What about me? What has he done for me?" First God does have guidelines for men as well but that is not up to us to ensure he fulfills his role before we fulfill ours. It is honoring to God when we follow His Word and live our lives in way that is pleasing to Him and He will bless you for it. You may also find that as you take the time to be a helper to your husband and make him and his needs a priority his attitude toward you will change as well. Many men hold in resentment and you may not even be aware that your actions are hurting him and your marriage until it is too late. I realized that as a husband can resent his wife being away or busy all the time he can also resent the reason she is away or busy all the time. You do not want your husband to start resenting your church or your children and their activities or anything else that you are doing. Look after him and his needs.

If your husband is feeling neglected or if you know that you are unable to be there for him and be a helper to him then you need to take the steps necessary to change that. Here are some ideas of how you can do this....

1. Learn to say no. It is hard at first but you will get the hang of it. Simply say I am sorry but I just can't help you out right now I need to look after other things at the moment. Everyone will understand. DO NOT make your husband out to be the evil ogre that won't let you do anything, or the whiny baby that needs you to do everything for him. Get your heart in the right place if that is the way you are making him out to be. Some people will make that assumption and that can't be helped but don't let it come from you that way.

2. Contrary to what we like to believe the church will not collapse if we can't be there for every event or help with every little thing. Our work in the church and in ministry is very important but hopefully as we find balance in our lives we can work with our husbands or with his blessing and wouldn't that be more pleasing to God?

3. Children will grow up very happy and well adjusted even without being involved in every extracurricular activity and sport out there. Children will still get exercise and have friends if they are allowed and encouraged to go out and play. Our son played baseball for two seasons when he was small but he gave it up and never missed it. He is now very fit, popular and well adjusted without the "benefit" of organized sports and activities. So if your children have a desire to participate in these things feel free to limit it to one per child. Instead spend time as a family, encourage them to just go out and play, use their imaginations, make friends, and then you will not spend your life running them here and there.

4. Try and fit your obligations and activities into time when your husband is at work or busy with his own things. This works well for me. I just check with him before I make any plans or commit to anything.

5. If you have to work outside the home and your hours are undesirable or too long or you are too worn out when you get home to care about anything else then actively search for another one. Years ago I had to work straight afternoons - 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. this was just awful and I never saw my hubby or son during the week and made dinner in the morning and left it for them, we never got to eat together. I did this for nine months while actively searching for another position. That next job was managing a spa in a lakeside town. It was a wonderful job that I really loved but in the warmer months I would end up working 12- 15 hours a day and my home life was suffering for it. My hubby was feeling neglected because even when I was home I was busy on the phone or computer handling appointments , staff and details. I was not fulfilling my role as a helper suitable for him and he was always alone. I quit and was able then to go back to caring for children at home. I am very happy and wouldn't trade this for anything. I am able to still bring in income and yet am here to look after my hubby, son and home. Besides is there really anything better than getting paid to look after little ones, play toys, do crafts, go for walks and to the park? ~smile~

6. Let your husband know that he and his needs are important to you. If he asks you to do something for him or to look after something do it as soon as possible and with a cheerful attitude. Don't make him feel like he is inconveniencing you or that you do not want to do it or worse fail to do it at all. That is one of the ones I need to work on. I am ashamed to admit that I often give them impression that doing some things is an inconvenience and I hate to tell you that I have also been so busy that on more than one occasion I have forgotten to do something important my hubby asked of me but I am a work in progress. Boy am I ever!

When your hubby is home limit for phone conversations. There is little that cannot wait until another time. Place him above friends and outside interests. Don't cut yourself off from family and friends but do make sure that you fit them in around your husband and not the other way around.

There are likely other areas that I haven't mentioned but I am sure you get the idea.

Know your role! It will be a blessing to you and your family!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Last of the Old Letters

Last night we went back out to visit the house in the country in one last attempt to find more letters, pictures etc. before it is all thrown out. We found two more letters, these are from Milton when he was overseas! I also met Milton's grand nephew. He said he didn't know much about his family history. He suggested that I talk to his mother who is really into all the family history so that is being set up! I am quite excited as I have so many questions I would like answered. It's a bit like watching a movie but only catching bits and pieces of it so I am looking forward to having the blanks filled in!

Thursday Dec. 21/44

Hi Louisa,

I'm fine as usual hoping this finds you all the same. I haven't as yet received your parcels. I had one from Ruth. Ruth's mother, Morrison St. Church and the City of _______________.

It's pretty grim here and may be here for Christmas. I don't know for sure we finish training tomorrow. Your parcels should catch up to me when I get overseas from here. We may go to Belgium, France, Italy even to Burma. The food is still junk but picked up a little or else we are getting used to it.

The weather is foggy, damp and chilly. The grass is still green and have plenty of mud and rain. The ground doesn't freeze it's not cold enough for that. Heavy white frosts but the farmers still have gardens in yet. They have several crops a year. They are taking up potatoes just now.

Glad to hear you had good crops this year. I have been pretty busy so only write when I can get the chance. It's too bad about Carmen's wife hope she holds out till after Christmas poor thing. Hope you have had a white Christmas as I hear you are getting plenty of snow. That is if it lasts that long.

I have had a few letters and your cards also the folder of ________ from you. My letters have been coming quite regular nearly every day. I had six from Ruth Monday but none since. Donna is well again but expect Ruth to have an operation n her nose after Christmas is over with.

I spent the past weekend at London. We had ideal weather saw a great deal. It sure was worth our while. We saw historic sites and old buildings that have stood for a couple of thousand years. They were only the worse for the weather otherwise in marvelous condition. So they must have had marvelous architects in the early days.

We stayed at the Toe- H club next door to the famous Scotland yard opposite the Victoria Bridge which crosses the Thames River. Also across from Big Ben on the Parliament buildings known as the House of Commons.

We went to church in Westminster Abbey. Saw the tomb of the unknown soldier. Had a mass at the Westminster Cathedral I even lit a candle. It was the most beautiful church - Catholic- I was ever in. It was in Gold and marble the chapel containing the Mother and Child. The Abbey was High English it was mostly decorated with statues and busts of famous people. Such as Rudyard Kipling, Charles Dickens also of the Kings and Queens and men of History. Even the late George the fifth is buried there. It was damp, dreary and dismal no heat and all in stone and poorly lighted.

We visited Buckingham Palace. Hyde Park, the Marble Arch, Trafalgar Square. Berkeley Square. We saw the home of Winston Churchill at Downing st. We visited the clubs Y.M.C.A. Beaver Club Queensberry, Ontario clubs.

We ate at the Stage Door Canteen had real butter, ice cream and coca-cola. My first in England so it was a treat. We saw where London had been bombed but not so bad as you would expect. We saw a flying bomb on display. It landed and hadn't exploded so they had it for the public to see, 2,000 lbs. of explosive. They appear like comets or falling stars in the sky and make quite a bang when they hit.

Well not much news, glad Len likes school and won a prize for dressing up on halloween. I must go now as its getting late will write when I get the chance. So in the meantime the best of health, good luck and prosperity. I may be over here somewhere but will be sharing my thought with you all.

As always,

This next letter was sent Armed Forces Air Letter which folds up to make the envelope. Unfortunately a couple of bits are missing as someone along the way tore of the corner to get the stamp. So here it is...I'll just skip over the section with parts missing.

Jan. 9/45

Hello Louisa,

I'm fine hope you are all the same. We have snow here in Belgium but not bad. I guess you have plenty back home. hope Carmen's wife is a little better. Also that your mouth is not too bad now.

We have good food here. the same old stuff as usual day after day. It's real nice over here far ahead of England and Can. ways and customs. Saw some wooden shoes and the windmills.

We are in German barracks our boys took back. They are even better than England no fires but not near as cold and damp. You can be warm even if it is cool.England you froze and had cold feet from dampness all the time.

No news other than its a nice country much similar to Canada. I'm at #2 C.B.R.G.....

......hope to be home again before to darn long again.

Yours as Always,

P.S. your parcels haven't caught up with me yet.

There is something so odd about holding and reading the words someone wrote by hand 63 years ago. The letters have been in miraculous condition for being strewn about an abandoned house for the last ten years which has part of the roof missing and is just a ruin and yet these fragile pieces of history have survived. They were scattered through three rooms amidst rubble, piles and piles of papers, reciepts, newspapers and junk and yet they survived to tell a tale.


Photo above courtesy of LCM Photos.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Barbeque Chicken Pizza

Saturday night I made barbecue chicken pizza for dinner it was so easy and my family loved it, so I thought I would share with you what I did. I made the dough in my bread machine and stretched it out to fit the pans. Then I spread on some barbecue sauce, sprinkled on some chopped cooked chicken (I had some in the freezer from our last roast chicken so I just defrosted it) chopped green peppers (which I also had in the freezer from last summer's garden) and some diced onions then topped it them with grated mozzarella cheese. Then baked it in a 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes until the crust is lightly browned and the cheese is melted.


A Drive in the Country

Yesterday after church my very sweet hubby took me for a beautiful drive in the country. It was so much fun exploring back roads and just chatting. Things are starting to turn green and signs of spring are everywhere at long last. Calving season is in full swing as well and the little ones are so sweet.

We stopped by a friend's farm and picked some some chickens (frozen not alive ~smile~) and some beef. It is so nice to know where your meat comes from and that it comes from healthy well cared for animals. He was telling us that coyotes are becoming a real hazard to the cattle in the past couple of years and that he just picked up a donkey to guard them. I had no idea that donkeys were used for that purpose. He said they act as guard dogs and if there is a donkey with the herd coyotes don't bother them. I always kind of thought they were mostly just to look at! Our friend said that it was so bad that he looked out his window and saw a cow ready to birth and there 30 feet away was a coyote just waiting for the calf to drop. Nervy!

We also took time to visit a really cute little town in that area. It is just so pretty there! There are quite a few Mennonite families just north of here as well and it is so nice to drive by their well kept farms. I often think how much nicer life would be sometimes without all the "conveniences" we have but then I appreciate the ability to flick a switch and have light, and the amount of information at my finger tips via the Internet - though the Internet can be more of a curse than a blessing at times.

Anyway it was just a beautiful day spent with my sweetheart and I cherished every moment.

I hope you enjoyed your weekend too!


Photo above by LCM Photos.

Best Friends

Our dog sharing her much coveted canned food with our cat - It must be love.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Picture

Here is a picture of Milton.....

So young. Such a waste. But he had faith and was saved. Praise the Lord. If you do not know what will happen to you when your time comes please leave a comment, I would love to talk to you about this - you too can have the assurance of everlasting life.


An Old Letter - Part Five

My sister brought me a box of things they found in the house yesterday, inside was a newspaper clipping about Milton's Memorial Service. It says his wife Ruth received a letter the day after she was notified of his death, which he wrote March 5th included in it was this poem by an anonymous writer.....

A Soldier - His Prayer

Stay with me, God. The night is dark,
The night is cold; my little spark
Of courage dies. The night is long.
Be with me, God, and make me strong.

I love a game. I love a fight.
I hate the dark; I love the light.
I love my child; I love my wife.
I am no coward. I love my life.

I knew that death was but a door,
I knew what we were fighting for;
Peace for the kids, our brothers freed,
A kinder world, a cleaner breed.

Help me, Oh God, when death is near,
To mock the haggard face of fear,
That when I fall, if I must,
My soul may triumph in the dust.


I found a picture of Milton in a newspaper clipping. My sister is going to scan it for me and I will post it as soon as I receive it.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Joy Of The Lord

My friend has been singing this song whenever things are trying or tough or frustrating and it really helps to get her thoughts back on track where they should be. The other night I was awfully frustrated and getting a little perturbed - my friend started singing this song and I felt so much better. I stopped the negative train of my thoughts and focused on the joy of the Lord which is my strength!

The joy of the Lord is my strength,

the joy of the Lord is my strength,

The joy of the Lord is my strength,

the joy of the Lord is my strength.

He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more,

He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more.

He heals the broken hearted and they cry no more,

the joy of the Lord is my strength.

He gives me living water and I thirst no more,

He gives me living water and I thirst no more.

He gives me living water and I thirst no more,

the joy of the Lord is my strength.


Monday, April 7, 2008

An Old Letter - Part Four

I also came across an undated postcard from Sussex New Brunswick which reads...

Dear Louise,
We are here with Skill and enjoying every minute to-gether. Skill gets home every night with us. His camp is lovely here. This is a quiet place, but beautiful country. Hope you are all well.

Donna, Ruth and Skill.

Skill was Milton's nickname.

I found this blurb on the Sussex NB Website...

Camp Sussex, (which is now the Sussex Industrial Park), housed and trained most of the army personnel who were dispatched overseas during the war. The 8th Hussars Regiment is headquartered here and hundreds of veterans return each year to see the town that they called home during training for deployment during World War II. There is a Military Museum in the Sussex Train Station with lots of history about the part Camp Sussex played, and as part of the Sussex Mural Project, a mural commemorating Camp Sussex has been painted downtown.


An Old Letter - Part Three

These letters just touch my heart. Here is the third one....

April 10, 1945

Dear Louise,

Well it has been like summer here today and was lovely yesterday. Our magnolia is out in full bloom and is exactly a month early. The cherries are in full bloom also. I hope it does not turn very cold again as it certainly would do alot of harm now. We have lettuce and radishes up in the garden and doing well too.

Well we heard the particulars on Milton. His Sergeant wrote his brother who works with Ruth. Milton was doing his own work as a stretcher bearer and was wearing his red cross which should be all the protection they need, they had a wounded man on the stretcher and Milton just bent down to pick up his end of the stretcher and a sniper shot him in the head. His Sergeant saw it happen and rushed on the field and they rolled the other boy off the and put Milton on the stretcher hoping they could save him but by the time they got him to the First Aid Post he was gone. He did not suffer as he never knew what hit him. Afterward they found out it was one of two women snipers that got him and they got the women. Ruth will get his personal effects or should. We do not know exactly where it happened or where he is buried but if Bill is spared we will know some day. I know his Sergeant. He had been a friend of ours for quite a long time and feels terrible about it all. He says they have no mercy on women and children now. He also said Milton was a grand fellow and well liked by all the boys and that he and Milton were about the only two that did not drink and while the others were drinking they enjoyed their tea together.

It's nice to know he did not suffer and also that he was so well liked such a good soldier and he gave his life to make this a better world for all of us especially the children.

Dad is improving and so is Grandma. Grandpa is still upstairs but sits up a few hours each day. He really seems well but his arm and leg are not too good yet although they are coming. He can help himself a little more than he could.

Mother is very tired but will not give in. She has so much company too. I get over as much as possible but she will not let me do much but I save her a few steps. Ruth and Donna are both pretty good. Ruth is working every day.

- The rest of the letter is missing. I believe Marion also wrote this letter as the handwriting is the same. I am also thinking that perhaps Marion is Louise and Milton's sister. I hope to find the rest of this letter and hopefully some more of these letters on my next trip out to the house.

The picture above is of Sherman tanks of the Governor General's Footguards near Sonsbeck Germany on 9 March 1945. That is the day Milton was killed.


An Old Letter- Part Two

When I really looked at the letter I found yesterday I realized that it was actually two separate letters folded together. Here is the first one.....

(note - We have since discovered that Louise was Milton's sister)

March 21, 1945

Dear Louise,

I hope you are feeling better by now Louise. I am sure it was a great shock to you as it was to us. We now feel we do not have to worry about him suffering any longer as we are sure he is in good hands.

Ruth had a letter yesterday that he wrote from a slit trench in Germany on March 5th and he had received a box from Ruth and one from me and letters from Ruth, from you and I. So it was nice to know he knew we were thinking about him and praying for him. He said in the letter he prayed a lot and so far his prayers had been answered and his best friend was God. When the minister read his letter he said there is no doubt where he is going and we did not have to worry.

Dad is feeling a little better but is still in bed of course and Grandma is also still in bed. We have not told her about Milton yet. She is pretty weak but some better today. Mother and Ruth were both heart broken but are really very sensible now and feeling some better. I am enclosing the clipping from the paper and they are going to print a picture and I'll send it along to you. I also sent a copy of the report for the _______________ paper.

I'll write to you again soon Louise but wanted to let you know we are thinking about you also.

He is better off Louise as he has gone through his "hell" on earth.

Remember me to all.


I am not sure who Marion is, but I believe she also wrote the next letter, which I will share in the next post.

The picture above is the Infantrymen of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment and a Sherman tank of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division awaiting orders to go through a roadblock, Wertle, Germany, 11 April 1945. This was about a month after Milton's death.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

An Old Letter

Yesterday my sister brought me a letter. Friends of hers recently purchased a home in the country and the people who used to own it have long since passed away and their children did not want any of their belongings so they are all still in the house. My sister found a letter she knew I would want since it was dated February 20 1945. I love all things old so I was quite pleased.
When I read it I was drawn into another time and could almost see the lady who wrote it. I thought I might share some of it with you.....

Dear Louise,

Yes it is me writing believe it or not. I sure hope you will forgive me Louise for not writing long ago, but I write to Milton every night you know and I just can't seem to write to anyone else.

I had two letters form Milt yesterday the 5th and 7th of Feb. he wrote them. He is in Holland you know and right in the thick of things. He is with the Lincoln and Welland Reg. mostly boys from home so he was pleased with that. They sure did shove him around though didn't they? I just feel sick all the time, from worry, ever since he got overseas and in the Infantry of all things. All we can do now is keep letters and boxes going and pray for his safe return.

Donna talks about him all the time, she looks at his picture and says poor Daddy. I like him, I'm his sweetheart. She tells everybody, Daddy went overseas on the big boat to Holland. She doesn't forget him one minute. You sure would get a big kick out of her Louise, she talks a blue streak and as plain as you and I. She is so much like her Dad, her actions and ways. She is awfully good and does she ever love to go to Grandma and Grandpas.

(She talks about some packages and cartons of cigarettes that were sent over and how he was the only one to receive anything since they left Belgium.)

She goes on....
He said they were back in a house 7 of them having rest. I guess they are in the trenches for a certain period of time and then they are relieved to and have a rest for a few hours. He said there are lots of Buzz bombs going over their heads so far. He said "keep your chin up hon and I'll keep my head down." He also said he has said his prayers more than once and has relived his life over and over. What he and the rest are going through we can only half imagine. Pray for him Louise, he has just got to come back to us, he is such a good fellow and has so much to live for.

Louise Dad_____ is home sick in bed. The doctor was up and said not much can be done but lots of bed rest for him and a special diet, whatever you do, don't write and tell Milton, as we don't want him to worry or have anything on his mind, he is in great danger over there and needs to be right on his toes every minute. I don't ever tell him now when anyone isn't too well, we are always fine to him.

Guess I'll close now and hit the hay. Mite sooner than I did eh? Hope you are all fine.

Love to all,
Donna and Ruth.

I was completely pulled into the letter imagining what this unknown lady was like, what she looked like, how hard her life must have been knowing her husband was overseas in a war, what her little girl was like, what her husband was like, what happened to him and their little family. Then I read a little newspaper clipping that was with the letter. I cried.

Pte. Milton _____________, 27 of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, has been killed in the recent fighting in Germany, according to official information just received by his wife Mrs. Ruth ___________ ___ __________ ave. The telegram from the Director of records, Ottawa, stated that he had died on March 9th as the result of wounds received in action.

It goes on to tell about his life and church involvement and family. So very sad.

I just found another letter today in that house which we just found out belonged to Milton's sister and her husband. I will share that one tomorrow.

I know it seems silly to be so caught up in lives lived long ago by people I didn't even know. But it is like I was being told what it was like in those war years as it happened by someone who was living it. I can't really explain the feeling.

I do know I will be hugging my hubby a little tighter and appreciating him a little more because he is here with me and I don't have to know what it is like to go through what Ruth and so many other women have had to experience.

The picture above was taken of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment in Sonsbeck Germany two days before Milton was killed.

I left the last names and addresses out of this post because I didn't think it was necessary to share that.


Friday, April 4, 2008

Derrick Mueller

Tonight Derrick Mueller comes to our church to present his comedy show When I Look Back I Laugh. He has an incredible testimony that he shares throughout so I thought I would share a little video with you.....


Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lots To Do

Well life around here is never dull! Today I had a surprise inspection from the Ministry of Community and Social Services. Every year the agency I work for is re licensed and they surprise a few childcare providers with an inspection since I am a licensed home daycare that means they can choose me. This is the second time I have been visited since I started doing this. It went well and I am pleased it is over for another year. It is a bit unnerving wondering if you will be inspected at anytime.

This afternoon I have a man coming to test our water for lead....odd since our pipes were just broken by a road crew and replaced and as a result our water was extensively tested last year, however it is a government thing that is going on in the area. I called the municipality to make sure. I know I am paranoid but it seems that there are so many people pretending to be someone else these days. The lady I spoke to said that it was a good idea to call since you just never know she was very helpful and told me that the man would have identification saying he was from the municipality and that I should ask to see it anytime someone comes - good to know. I do live in a small town and while we have no where near the crime rate a city would have there have been murders, home invasions, break-ins and rapes in our area.

Anyway, I am in the process of making the sauce for the two lasagnas I am making tomorrow, I will also grate all the cheese so all I will have to do is assemble and bake them. I am making one for my family for dinner and one to take to the church. Tomorrow night the president of a near by Bible college is coming to do his comedy routine so we will need to provide dinner for him and his crew. I will also be baking two blueberry pies for tomorrow this afternoon. One for home and one for dessert at the church. I already brought my cookies over for the fellowship time after the show so I am almost done! My friend Nancy is also making a lasagna and she is baking an apple pie this afternoon for dessert at the church. Another lady is making a Caesar salad and preparing rolls and a few others are also bringing cookies. It should be a really fun night.

Well, I guess the pies won't be baking themselves so I better get at it! ~smile~

Happy Thursday!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Crazy Tuesday!

Wow! Today was off to a wild start. I got up this morning and was puttering around and decided to go and put on a load of laundry. To my surprise my laundry room had an inch of water in it. Upon inspection I discovered another room that was flooded as well. That rain I was hoping would melt the snow did just that - unfortunately we got ALOT of rain and it melted ALOT of snow and that caused the flooding. I expect many, many other families in this area are dealing with the same thing. I am just so grateful that the finished room was not wet and the large amount of musical equipment (My hubby's, son's and all his band member's)was unharmed. I do need to call my Mum and see if she had anything important in the trunk that is now quite wet. We have been storing some of their things since their move out west. I pray other families are not suffering major loses or damage.

Then I picked up the phone to call my hubby and see what I should do about this water issue and discovered that I have no dial tone. So I am currently waiting for the telephone repair man. The machine that I talked to this morning told me I had an appointment on "Tuesday April the first between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m." ~smile~ It's good to know that I have an appointment!

So my little monkeys were a little wound up and we couldn't go for our walk but they had a good time emptying every last toy out of the toy box and playing in it! Even the littlest one refused his morning nap and joined in. I was pleased that he was in such good humour as his Daddy said he was up for three hours during the night. That is one time I am glad that the little ones go home at the end of the day when I hear that they were up all night.

One perk of having to stay in this morning is that I was able to make the 4 sausage and potato casseroles I needed to make for tonight. Three are for a get together tonight that I volunteered to provide food for and the other is for our dinner. This is one of my hubby's most favorite meals and I couldn't make it for the church and not for him! So that is all done and behind me. I even have the kitchen all back in order! ~smile~ So to spite the rocky start this day is turning out very well.

God is so good!

I did get some sad news today however. Two of my little monkeys...siblings, won't need full time care anymore as their Mommy got a new job and won't work many weekdays. They will only need maybe one to two days a month. I have looked after the oldest my little "monkey bum" since she was 10 months old and she is now almost 5 and her little sister "chickie poo has been here since she was 10 months old and she is now almost 3. This is a tough one for me. They have been such a huge part of my life for so long. This is going to leave a big hole in my heart since I love them like they were my own but at least they will be here once in a while. Unless I get called to take full time ones to fill their spaces. ~sigh~ Sometimes this job is very hard.

Anyway, I better go check on the basement situation!

I hope you are having a good day!


Poem to Share


Prepare my heart for serving,
Let my spirit heed Your call;
In obedience to the Father,
Our Lord and King of all.

Fill my thoughts with You, Lord,
Renew my mind today...
I give you full control,
In the things I do and say.

Take these hands You gave me,
And use them for Your good...
To glorify Your Kingdom,
In the ways I know I should.

Remove all doubt within me,
Lord, I trust You'll find a way,
To mold me in Your image...
As I walk with You today.

~Author unknown~